1、互联网金融平台服务合同协议书范本【中文】互联网金融平台服务合同协议书范本甲方(以下简称“用户”):身份证号码_手机号码_乙方(以下简称“平台”):统一社会信用代码_,法定代表人_鉴于:1. 甲方是具有完全民事权利能力和民事行为能力的自然人,有自愿申请使用互联网金融平台服务的意愿;2. 乙方系依法设立并合法存续的互联网金融平台,经营合法注册的互联网金融业务;3. 双方在平等自愿的基础上就甲方使用乙方的互联网金融平台服务事宜达成协议。现根据有关法律、法规,经双方友好协商,就甲方使用乙方互联网金融平台服务事宜订立如下协议:第一条 服务内容1.1 乙方为甲方提供的服务内容包括但不限于:在线资金管理、投
2、资理财、账户查询等服务。1.2 甲方在使用乙方的服务时,应当依法提供真实、有效的个人身份信息,并自行承担因提供虚假信息而导致的法律责任。第二条 服务费用2.1 甲方使用乙方的服务时,乙方有权按照约定方式收取服务费用。2.2 服务费用的支付时间、方式和金额等细则详见乙方的平台规则。第三条 风险提示3.1 甲方使用乙方的服务时,应当充分了解并承担由此产生的风险。3.2 甲方在使用乙方的服务过程中,应当根据自身财务状况和风险承受能力选择适合的投资标的。第四条 信息保密4.1 双方均应当对对方在履行本协议过程中获知的商业秘密和个人信息予以保密。4.2 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方透露涉及对方
3、商业秘密和个人信息的内容。第五条 协议的变更、解除和终止5.1 本协议的变更应经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。5.2 本协议解除前,任何一方均应提前30天书面通知对方。5.3 本协议出现争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均可提起诉讼解决。第六条 知识产权6.1 互联网金融平台所有的知识产权归乙方所有,未经乙方许可,甲方不得私自复制、传播、使用。6.2 甲方在使用互联网金融平台服务过程中所产生的知识产权归甲方所有,但乙方有权合理使用相关信息。第七条 通知7.1 双方在执行本协议过程中如需互相通知,应当以书面形式发送通知至约定的联系地址或邮箱。7.2 通知自发送次日视为送达,如果因通
4、知地址不明、联系不上等原因导致通知无法及时送达的,应当以公告等方式通知。第八条 其他8.1 本协议未尽事宜,应当根据中华人民共和国相关法律法规或双方友好协商处理。8.2 本协议一式两份,自双方签字盖章生效。甲方(用户): _乙方(平台): _日期: _年 _月 _日【英文】Template of Contract Agreement for Internet Financial Platform ServicesParty A (hereinafter referred to as User): ID Number_ Phone Number_Party B (hereinafter refe
5、rred to as Platform): Unified Social Credit Code_, Legal Representative_Whereas:1. Party A is a natural person with full capacity for civil rights and civil conduct who voluntarily applies to use the services of the internet financial platform.2. Party B is an internet financial platform established
6、 in accordance with the law, engaged in legal registered internet financial business.3. Both parties have reached an agreement on the use of Party Bs internet financial platform services on the basis of equality and voluntariness.Now, under the relevant laws and regulations, and after friendly negot
7、iation between both parties, the following agreement is made regarding Party As use of Party Bs internet financial platform services:Article 1 Service Content1.1 The services provided by Party B to Party A include but are not limited to: online fund management, investment and financial management, a
8、ccount inquiries, etc.1.2 When using Party Bs services, Party A shall provide true and valid personal identity information in accordance with the law, and shall be liable for any legal consequences arising from providing false information.Article 2 Service Fees2.1 When using Party Bs services, Party
9、 B has the right to collect service fees in the manner agreed upon.2.2 Details about the payment time, method, and amount of service fees can be found in Party Bs platform rules.Article 3 Risk Warning3.1 When using Party Bs services, Party A should fully understand and bear the risks involved.3.2 Du
10、ring the use of Party Bs services, Party A should choose appropriate investment targets based on their own financial situation and risk tolerance.Article 4 Information Confidentiality4.1 Both parties shall keep confidential any commercial secrets and personal information acquired during the performa
11、nce of this agreement.4.2 Without the written consent of the other party, neither party may disclose the content related to the other partys commercial secrets and personal information to a third party.Article 5 Changes, Termination, and Conclusion of the Agreement5.1 Changes to this agreement shall
12、 be made through mutual agreement and in writing.5.2 Before terminating this agreement, either party shall notify the other party in writing at least 30 days in advance.5.3 In case of disputes under this agreement, both parties shall resolve them through friendly consultation; if no agreement is rea
13、ched, either party may file a lawsuit to resolve them.Article 6 Intellectual Property Rights6.1 All intellectual property rights of the internet financial platform belong to Party B, and Party A may not copy, disseminate, or use them without Party Bs permission.6.2 The intellectual property rights g
14、enerated by Party A in the process of using the internet financial platform services belong to Party A, but Party B has the right to use the relevant information reasonably.Article 7 Notice7.1 If either party needs to notify the other party during the execution of this agreement, a written notice sh
15、ould be sent to the designated contact address or email address.7.2 Notices shall be deemed delivered the day after they are sent, and if a notice cannot be delivered in a timely manner due to unclear contact information, inability to reach the recipient, etc., it should be notified through other me
16、ans such as public announcement.Article 8 Miscellaneous8.1 Matters not covered in this agreement shall be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China or by friendly negotiation between both parties.8.2 This agreement is made in duplicate and shall become effective upon signature and seal by both parties.Party A (User): _Party B (Platform): _Date: Year _ Month _ Day _以上英文部分为翻译内容,不计入实际字数。