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1、 Unit 2 What time do you go to school?Words and phrases:1. 洗澡:_2. 许多家庭作业:_3. After school:_4. 刷牙:_5. On weekends:_6. Take a walk_7. 尝起来不错_8. 或者. 或者._9. At night _10. Get up _11. Get dressed_12. 从周一到周五_13. 用 dress, put on, wear, in 填空 My mother often _ my little sister.He _ a cool T-shirt today.I am

2、_ white shirt.It is cold today, please _ your sweater.14. Tina finds a good _.She _ very hard.(job,work)15. Mary wants to be a singer, and she thinks its an interesting _.(job,work) Grammar :1. He wants to know about my life.(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)_?No, he _.2. She goes to school at seven thirty.(改为否定句)She

3、_school at seven thirty.3. My father takes a shower at eight in the evening.(对划线部分提问)_?4. I go to bed at 9:00.(对划线部分提问)_?5. We often go home after school. (对划线部分提问)_?6. When do your parents usually go to work every day?They usually go to work _ _ _ _(在八点半)常考点:1. Do you like _ (play) chess?2. Jim usu

4、ally _ (do) his homework after dinner.3. He _ (brush) his teeth after he gets up every morning.4. I have a lot of _ (work) to do.5. My father always _ (go) to work by car.6. What do you usually do _ school days.?A. at B.in C.on D.to 7. _ your father _watching TV in the evening.A. Does,likes B.Does,l

5、ike C.Is,likes D.Do.likes8. -When does your father go swimming?-_ Saturday night.A. At B.In C.On D.To 9. The English speech contest is _ October.A. at B.in C.on D.to 10. My sister often _at six twenty in the morning.A. get up B.gets up C.go up D.goes up11. - when do you go to school?- We go to schoo

6、l _ Monday _ Friday.A. on,to B.in,to C.from,to D.to, in12. Do you want to know _ my school?A. in B.about C.for D.to 13. The old man is _ Japanese _ Chinese.A.both.and B.either.or C.not only.but also D.neither.nor翻译:1. -你几点钟锻炼?-我通常五点锻炼。_2. 他经常8点洗澡。_3. 小孩子通常不喜欢吃蔬菜。_4. 在大约九点,我们回家了。_5. 在早晨我吃一顿不错的早饭。_6.

7、我从周一到周五没有时间散步。_7. 你最好不要上学迟到了。_8. 他上学从不迟到。_9. 他在周末要么游泳,要么跳舞。_10. 我爸爸通常六点半到家。_一想想译译what time_ go to school_get up_take a shower_go to bed_ usually_ oclock_ work_ hour_ brush_ job_二 Scott works very long hours. He usually _起床at 17:00.He_刷牙 and_洗澡.Then he _吃早饭.After breakfast he _弹吉他.Then he _去上班.To get

8、 to work, he _乘公交车to a hotel. Then bus usually _带他去上班at 19:15.He _整夜工作.People love to_和他交谈)He_到家 at 7:00,and he _看电视.He _睡觉at 8:30. Can you think what his job is?三 (1)我六点一刻起床。 I _ _ _ 6:15. (2) 我妈妈八点去上班。 My mother _ _ _ at 8:00. (3) 然后我吃早饭。 Then I _ _ . (4) 我7:30 去上学。 I _ _ _ _ _ . (5) Mike九点去睡觉。 Mi

9、ke _ _ _ at 9:00. 四.介词填空。 1. What time do you have breakfast _ _the morning? 2.I usually get home _ five in the morning. 3.Thanks _ your email. 4.Please tell me _ your class. 5.We all love to listen _ the music.五.综合填空 A: Hi, Peter! You are early today. B: Yes. I come to school early every day. A: Wh

10、at_1_do you get up_2_ weekdays? _3_ seven oclock? B: No, that is_ 4_ late. I _5_ _6_ at 6:10. A: Oh, but I usually _7_ _8_ at six forty. I live _9_ my school. I can _10_ lunch at school. B:I usually have lunch _11_ school._12_ lunch, I often play basketball_13_ my friends. A:Great!What 14_Lucy? B:I

11、dont know. Maybe she _15_ lunch at home. Her home is near the school, too. 六.句型转换。1Mr Li usually goes to work at 7:45. 就划线部分提问) 2I want to run in the morning. (就划线部分提问) 3He does his homework at home. (变为否定句) 4School starts at nine oclock. (变为一般疑问句) 5I think the job is boring. (变为否定句) 七.单选( ).e _ his

12、 sweater and begins to sing.A. put on B. puts on C. wears D. wear ( )2.Mary is not _Chinese girl, she is _English girl. A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an ( )3._you usually go to bed late in the evening? A. Does B. Do C. Are D. Did ( )4._ stars at 8:00. A. School B. Schools C. The school D.A school

13、 ( ) 5. A: Can you tell me _? B: Sure. It is two thirty. A. time B. the time C. age D. Number任务型阅读 Dick is 7 and his sister Mary is 5.On Sunday they often play in the park. They can fly a kite and throw a frisby (扔飞盘). Today is Sunday. They are in the park with their father and mother. They play and

14、 play. Now Mother asks Dick to come and gives him a big cake, and says to Dick, “Dick, here is a cake and a knife. Cut(切)the cake in half, and give a half to your sister, but don t forget to do it like a gentleman(绅士).” “Like a gentleman?” Dick asks. “How does a gentleman do it? ” “Give the big half

15、 to the other.”Father says. “Oh, great.” says Dick. He takes the cake to his sister and says to her, “Please cut this cake in half, Mary, and do it like a gentleman.”1.How many people are there in Dicks family?_2. What day is it today?_3. What does mother give Dick?_4. Does Dick cut the cake?_5. Is Dick a clever(聪明的) boy?

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