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1、邮轮旅游合同范本四篇文章一:邮轮旅游合同范本中文版:合同编号:XXXXX 甲方(旅行社或邮轮公司):_ 乙方(旅游者):_ 为确保甲乙双方权益,特对本次邮轮旅游签订以下合同:一、行程安排1.1 甲方将为乙方安排从_(出发地)至_(目的地)的邮轮旅游行程,具体行程安排详见附件一。1.2 如因不可抗力等特殊原因导致行程变更,甲方将提前通知乙方并协商解决方案。二、费用说明2.1 乙方需支付的费用包括基本船票费、住宿费、餐饮费及其他自费项目费用。2.2 甲方承诺在合同结束时如实向乙方提供费用明细,并按照约定时间收取费用。三、责任条款3.1 甲方保证所提供服务符合国家法律法规,并承担相应责任。3.2 乙

2、方在参加邮轮旅游期间需遵守相关规定,如因违规行为导致损失,乙方需自行承担责任。四、其他约定4.1 本合同一式两份,一份存档于甲方,一份交由乙方,双方各自承担一份。4.2 本合同自双方签字盖章生效,至旅游结束终止。甲方(盖章):乙方(签字):英文版:Contract No.: XXXXX Party A (Travel Agency or Cruise Company): _ Party B (Tourist): _ In order to ensure the rights and interests of both parties, the following contract is sig

3、ned for the cruise tour:I. Itinerary Arrangement1.1 Party A will arrange a cruise tour itinerary from _ (departure place) to _ (destination), detailed itinerary see Appendix One.1.2 If the itinerary changes due to force majeure or other special reasons, Party A will notify Party B in advance and neg

4、otiate a solution.II. Fee Explanation2.1 The fees that Party B needs to pay include basic cruise ticket fee, accommodation fee, dining fee, and other optional items fee.2.2 Party A promises to provide Party B with a detailed fee list at the end of the contract and collect fees according to the agree

5、d time.III. Liability Clause3.1 Party A guarantees that the services provided comply with national laws and regulations, and assumes corresponding responsibilities.3.2 Party B must comply with the relevant regulations during the cruise tour. If losses are caused by violations, Party B shall bear the

6、 responsibility.IV. Other Agreements4.1 This contract is made in duplicate, with one copy archived by Party A and one copy provided to Party B, each party holding one.4.2 This contract shall come into force upon the signature and seal of both parties and shall terminate upon the completion of the to

7、ur.Party A (Seal):Party B (Signature):文章二:邮轮旅游合同范本中文版:合同编号:XXXXX 甲方(旅行社或邮轮公司):_ 乙方(旅游者):_ 鉴于乙方计划参加甲方组织的邮轮旅游,特订立以下合同:一、行程安排1.1 甲方将负责确定行程及停靠地点,并提供相应的预定服务,具体安排详情详见附件一。1.2 如因船只故障或其他原因导致行程变更,甲方将协商解决方案,并承担相应责任。二、费用与退改规定2.1 乙方需按照约定时间支付各项费用,包括船票费、住宿费、餐饮费等。2.2 在规定时间前提出退改需求的,甲方将根据规定程序予以处理,但须扣除相应手续费。三、服务保障3.1

8、甲方将提供24小时客服服务,及时解决乙方在邮轮旅游中遇到的问题。3.2 如邮轮停靠地出现不可抗力情况,甲方将协助乙方安全有序离开,并提供相应帮助。四、其他事项4.1 本合同自双方签字盖章起生效。如有争议,双方协商解决;协商不成的,向有管辖权的法院诉讼解决。4.2 本合同最终解释权归甲方所有。甲方(盖章):乙方(签字):英文版:Contract No.: XXXXX Party A (Travel Agency or Cruise Company): _ Party B (Tourist): _ Considering that Party B plans to participate in t

9、he cruise tour organized by Party A, the following contract is hereby concluded:I. Itinerary Arrangement1.1 Party A shall determine the itinerary and ports of call, and provide corresponding booking services. For specific arrangements, please refer to Appendix One.1.2 In the event of a change in the

10、 itinerary due to ship failure or other reasons, Party A shall negotiate a solution and assume the corresponding responsibilities.II. Fees and Cancellation Policy2.1 Party B shall pay various fees, including ticket fees, accommodation fees, and dining fees, according to the agreed time.2.2 Party A s

11、hall handle refunds and changes requests made before the stipulated time according to the prescribed procedures, but shall deduct the corresponding handling fees.III. Service Guarantee3.1 Party A shall provide 24-hour customer service to promptly resolve any issues encountered by Party B during the

12、cruise tour.3.2 In case of force majeure at the port of call, Party A shall assist Party B in safely and orderly leaving, and provide necessary assistance.IV. Other Matters4.1 This contract shall come into effect upon the signature and seal of both parties. For disputes, both parties shall resolve t

13、hem through negotiation; if negotiation fails, they shall resort to litigation in a competent court.4.2 The right to interpret this contract shall belong to Party A.Party A (Seal):Party B (Signature):文章三:邮轮旅游合同范本中文版:合同编号:XXXXX 甲方(旅行社或邮轮公司):_ 乙方(旅游者):_ 考虑到乙方要参加甲方组织的邮轮旅游,为确保双方权益,特制定以下合同:一、行程安排1.1 甲方将根

14、据乙方需求确定行程安排及相关活动,详细安排请参见附件一。1.2 如乙方无故取消行程或无法按时参加,将视为自动放弃相应权益,乙方不得要求退还费用。二、费用支付2.1 乙方需按时支付各项费用,包括船票费、住宿费、餐饮费等,并遵守约定时限。2.2 若乙方提出取消或退改需求,需提前告知甲方并按规定程序处理,费用依据合同及相关规定执行。三、服务保障3.1 甲方对乙方提供的服务质量进行承诺,并确保服务内容符合合同约定。3.2 如邮轮在航行中遭遇不可抗力事件,甲方将协助乙方安全有序转移,并提供必要帮助。四、其他事项4.1 本合同经双方签字盖章生效,效力至旅游结束。如需变更合同条款,需经双方协商一致。4.2

15、合同解释权归甲方所有。甲方(盖章):乙方(签字):英文版:Contract No.: XXXXX Party A (Travel Agency or Cruise Company): _ Party B (Tourist): _ Considering that Party B intends to participate in the cruise tour organized by Party A, in order to ensure the rights and interests of both parties, the following contract is formulate

16、d:I. Itinerary Arrangement1.1 Party A shall determine the itinerary and activities according to the needs of Party B. For detailed arrangements, please refer to Appendix One.1.2 If Party B cancels the itinerary without valid reasons or fails to participate on time, it shall be deemed as an automatic

17、 waiver of corresponding rights, and Party B shall not request a refund.II. Fee Payment2.1 Party B shall pay various fees, including ticket fees, accommodation fees, dining fees, etc., on time and abide by the agreed deadlines.2.2 If Party B requests cancellation or changes, it shall inform Party A

18、in advance and follow the prescribed procedures. Fees shall be handled in accordance with the contract and relevant regulations.III. Service Guarantee3.1 Party A promises the quality of services provided to Party B and ensures that the service content complies with the contract.3.2 If the cruise enc

19、ounters a force majeure event during sailing, Party A shall assist Party B in safe and orderly evacuation and provide necessary assistance.IV. Other Matters4.1 This contract shall come into effect upon the signature and seal of both parties, and shall remain valid until the end of the tour. Any chan

20、ges to the contract terms require unanimous agreement through negotiations between both parties.4.2 The right to interpret this contract shall belong to Party A.Party A (Seal):Party B (Signature):文章四:邮轮旅游合同范本中文版:合同编号:XXXXX 甲方(旅行社或邮轮公司):_ 乙方(旅游者):_ 为保障双方权益,特制定本合同:一、行程安排1.1 甲方将根据乙方要求提供具体行程安排,相关细节请见附件一

21、。1.2 如因不可抗力事件或其他特殊原因需变更行程,甲方将及时告知乙方并商讨解决方案。二、费用支付2.1 乙方需按时支付各项费用,并保持费用支付凭证备查。甲方将在合同生效后依据约定时间收取费用。2.2 乙方如需退改费用,须提前告知甲方并按规定程序办理。退改费用将根据合同及相关规定执行。三、责任条款3.1 甲方保证所提供服务的质量及安全,并对服务中出现的问题及时解决。3.2 乙方在邮轮旅游中需遵守相关规定,如因违规行为造成损失,乙方需自行承担责任。四、其他约定4.1 本合同生效后,双方各执一份。一式两份,甲方保留一份文件备查。4.2 本合同自签章生效,至邮轮旅游结束终止。甲方(盖章):乙方(签字

22、):英文版:Contract No.: XXXXX Party A (Travel Agency or Cruise Company): _ Party B (Tourist): _ In order to safeguard the rights and interests of both parties, the following contract is formulated:I. Itinerary Arrangement1.1 Party A shall provide specific itinerary arrangements according to the requirem

23、ents of Party B. For details, please refer to Appendix One.1.2 If the itinerary needs to be changed due to force majeure events or other special reasons, Party A shall promptly inform Party B and discuss solutions.II. Fee Payment2.1 Party B shall pay various fees on time and keep payment records for

24、 verification. Party A shall collect fees according to the agreed time after the contract takes effect.2.2 If Party B needs to cancel or change fees, it shall inform Party A in advance and follow the prescribed procedures. Refund and change fees shall be handled in accordance with the contract and r

25、elevant regulations.III. Liability Clause3.1 Party A guarantees the quality and safety of the services provided and promptly resolves any issues that arise during the service.3.2 Party B shall abide by the relevant regulations during the cruise tour. If losses are incurred due to violations, Party B

26、 shall bear the responsibility.IV. Other Agreements4.1 After this contract takes effect, both parties shall hold one copy. Two copies shall be made, and Party A shall keep one copy for reference.4.2 This contract shall come into effect upon signing and seal, and shall terminate upon the end of the cruise tour.Party A (Seal):Party B (Signature):

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