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1、影视制作合作协议书范本四篇影视制作合作协议书范本合作协议书范本一:中文版:影视制作合作协议书甲方(甲方名称):_乙方(乙方名称):_鉴于甲方具有影视制作的能力和经验,乙方具有资金支持和市场推广渠道,为实现互惠互利、共同发展,特订立本合作协议。第一条 合作内容1.1 甲方负责影视剧的拍摄、制作及后期制作工作,包括但不限于编剧、选角、拍摄、剪辑等。1.2 乙方负责提供资金支持,协助甲方进行市场推广和宣传工作,共同推动影视剧的上映和推广。第二条 合作方式2.1 双方约定以合作方式进行,共同分享影视剧的成本和收益,甲方占70%、乙方占30%。2.2 合作期限为_年,自_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止。第

2、三条 责任与义务3.1 甲方保证按照约定的时间和质量完成影视剧的拍摄和制作工作,确保作品的质量达到市场要求。3.2 乙方负责按时提供资金支持,协助甲方进行市场推广和宣传工作,确保影视剧的宣传工作得到充分展开。第四条 保密条款4.1 双方在合作期间和合作结束后应对相关商业信息和合作内容保密,未经对方书面同意不得向第三方透露。4.2 因违反保密条款导致的一切损失,责任方应承担全部责任。第五条 合同解除与争议解决5.1 若出现不可抗力等特殊情况,影响双方履行合同的,双方可协商解除合同,但应提前_天通知对方。5.2 若因履行合同发生争议,应协商解决,协商不成的,提交_仲裁委员会仲裁。以上为双方共同遵循

3、的影视制作合作协议书,自双方盖章日起生效,本协议正本一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。甲方(盖章):_乙方(盖章):_日期:_年_月_日英文版:Film and Television Production Cooperation AgreementParty A (name):_Party B (name):_Whereas Party A has the ability and experience in film and television production, and Party B has financial support and marketing channels, in orde

4、r to achieve mutual benefit and common development, this cooperation agreement is made.Article 1 Cooperation Content1.1 Party A is responsible for the filming, production, and post-production of the film and television drama, including but not limited to screenwriting, casting, shooting, editing, et

5、c.1.2 Party B is responsible for providing financial support, assisting Party A in marketing and publicity, and jointly promoting the release and promotion of the film and television drama.Article 2 Modes of Cooperation2.1 The parties agree to cooperate and share the costs and profits of the film an

6、d television drama, with Party A owning 70% and Party B owning 30%.2.2 The cooperation period is _ years, from _ to _.Article 3 Responsibilities and Obligations3.1 Party A guarantees to complete the filming and production of the film and television drama on time and with quality, ensuring that the q

7、uality of the work meets market requirements.3.2 Party B is responsible for providing financial support on time, assisting Party A in marketing and publicity, and ensuring that the promotion of the film and television drama is fully carried out.Article 4 Confidentiality Clause4.1 Both parties shall

8、keep confidential the relevant business information and cooperation content during and after the cooperation period and shall not disclose it to third parties without the written consent of the other party.4.2 The party responsible for any losses caused by a breach of the confidentiality clause shal

9、l bear full responsibility.Article 5 Termination of Contract and Dispute Resolution5.1 In case of force majeure or other special circumstances that affect the performance of the contract, the parties may terminate the contract by mutual agreement, but should notify the other party _ days in advance.

10、5.2 In case of disputes arising from the performance of the contract, the parties should negotiate for resolution. If negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to _ Arbitration Commission for arbitration.The above is the Film and Television Production Cooperation Agreement to be followed by

11、both parties. This agreement shall take effect from the date of stamping by both parties. This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy.Party A (stamp):_Party B (stamp):_Date: _year _month _day合作协议书范本二:中文版:影视制作合作协议书甲方(甲方名称):_乙方(乙方名称):_鉴于甲方具有丰富的影视制作经验和资源,乙方具有强大的资金实力和市场渠道,为促进双方

12、合作,特订立以下协议:第一条 合作内容1.1 甲方负责影视剧的策划、制作及后期制作,乙方负责提供资金支持和市场推广。1.2 甲方应按照良好的职业道德规范进行制作工作,确保作品的质量和创意。第二条 合作方式2.1 本协议为合作协议,甲方为影视剧的制作单位,乙方为资金提供方和市场推广方。2.2 双方约定合作期限为_年,自_年_月_日生效。第三条 责任与义务3.1 甲方应按时按质完成影视剧的制作工作,确保作品质量达到市场标准。3.2 乙方应按时提供资金支持,协助甲方推动作品的市场推广和宣传。第四条 保密条款4.1 双方在合作期间和合作结束后应对商业秘密和合作内容保密,未经授权不得泄露。4.2 如因保

13、密不当导致损失,责任方应承担相应责任。第五条 合同解除与争议解决5.1 若出现合同无法履行的情况,双方可协商解除合同,但至少提前_个月通知对方。5.2 合同履行过程中如有争议,应协商解决,协商不成的,提交_中介机构进行调解。以上为双方共同遵守的影视制作合作协议书,自双方盖章日起生效。本协议正本一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。甲方(盖章):_乙方(盖章):_日期:_年_月_日英文版:Film and Television Production Cooperation AgreementParty A (name):_Party B (name):_Whereas Party A has rich e

14、xperience and resources in film and television production, and Party B has strong financial strength and market channels, in order to promote cooperation between the two parties, the following agreement is made:Article 1 Cooperation Content1.1 Party A is responsible for the planning, production, and

15、 post-production of film and television dramas, while Party B is responsible for providing financial support and marketing.1.2 Party A shall conduct production work in accordance with good professional ethics, ensuring the quality and creativity of the works.Article 2 Modes of Cooperation2.1 This ag

16、reement is a cooperation agreement, with party A as the production unit of the film and television drama, and party B as the funder and marketer.2.2 The parties agree that the cooperation period is _ years, effective from _.Article 3 Responsibilities and Obligations3.1 Party A shall complete the pro

17、duction of the film and television drama on time and ensure that the quality of the work meets market standards.3.2 Party B shall provide financial support on time and assist Party A in promoting and publicizing the works.Article 4 Confidentiality Clause4.1 Both parties shall keep business secrets a

18、nd cooperation content confidential during and after the cooperation period, and shall not disclose them without authorization.4.2 In case of losses due to improper confidentiality, the party at fault shall bear corresponding responsibility.Article 5 Termination of Contract and Dispute Resolution5.1

19、 In case the contract cannot be fulfilled, the parties may negotiate its termination, but should notify the other party at least _ months in advance.5.2 In case of disputes during the performance of the contract, they should be resolved through negotiation, and if no agreement is reached, they shall

20、 be submitted to_ arbitration institution for mediation.The above is the Film and Television Production Cooperation Agreement to be followed by both parties. This agreement shall take effect from the date of stamping by both parties. This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one c

21、opy.Party A (stamp):_Party B (stamp):_Date: _year _month _day合作协议书范本三:中文版:影视制作合作协议书甲方(甲方名称):_乙方(乙方名称):_鉴于双方在影视制作领域有着互补的专业能力和资源优势,为推动影视作品的精品制作,特订立以下合作协议:第一条 合作内容1.1 甲方负责影视剧的拍摄、制作、艺术指导和后期制作工作,乙方负责资金支持和市场推广。1.2 双方共同商议作品的拍摄方向、剧本策划以及演员选用等事项,确保作品能够符合市场需求。第二条 合作方式2.1 合作双方共同分享影视作品的成本和收益,甲方占60%、乙方占40%。2.2 合作

22、期限为_年,自_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止。第三条 责任与义务3.1 甲方保证按时完成影视剧的制作工作,保证作品的质量和创意水平。3.2 乙方应按时足额提供资金支持,协助甲方进行市场推广和宣传。第四条 保密条款4.1 双方不得擅自泄露合作过程中的商业秘密和重要信息,否则应承担法律责任。4.2 合作结束后,双方应销毁该项协议中包含的商业信息,确保不外泄。第五条 合同解除与争议解决5.1 若双方协商认为需提前终止合同,应提前_个月通知对方。5.2 如发生争议,双方应协商解决,如协商不成,应提交_仲裁机构仲裁。以上为双方共同遵守的影视制作合作协议书,双方应认真履行各自义务,并遵守协议规定。本协议自

23、双方盖章之日起生效,本协议正本一式两份,合同双方各执一份。甲方(盖章):_乙方(盖章):_日期:_年_月_日英文版:Film and Television Production Cooperation AgreementParty A (name):_Party B (name):_Whereas both parties have complementary professional abilities and resource advantages in the field of film and television production, in order to promote the

24、 high-quality production of film and television works, the following cooperation agreement is made:Article 1 Cooperation Content1.1 Party A is responsible for the filming, production, artistic direction, and post-production of the film and television drama, while Party B is responsible for financial

25、 support and marketing.1.2 Both parties shall discuss the direction of the work, script planning, and actor selection, ensuring that the work meets market demand.Article 2 Modes of Cooperation2.1 Both parties shall share the costs and profits of the film and television works, with Party A owning 60%

26、 and Party B owning 40%.2.2 The cooperation period is _ years, from _ to _.Article 3 Responsibilities and Obligations3.1 Party A guarantees to complete the production of the film and television drama on time, ensuring the quality and creativity of the work.3.2 Party B shall provide financial support

27、 on time and in full, assisting Party A in marketing and publicity.Article 4 Confidentiality Clause4.1 Both parties shall not disclose business secrets or important information without authorization during the cooperation, otherwise, they shall bear legal responsibilities.4.2 After the cooperation e

28、nds, both parties shall destroy the business information contained in this agreement to ensure it is not leaked.Article 5 Termination of Contract and Dispute Resolution5.1 If the parties agree to terminate the contract in advance, they should notify the other party _ months in advance.5.2 In case of

29、 disputes, the parties shall negotiate for resolution, and if no agreement is reached, they shall submit it to _ arbitration institution for arbitration.The above is the Film and Television Production Cooperation Agreement to be followed by both parties. Both parties shall fulfill their obligations diligently and abide by the agreement. This agreement shall take effect from the date of stamping by both parties. This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy.Party A (stamp):_Party B (stamp):_Date: _year _month _day合作协议书范本四:中文版:影视制作合作协议书甲方(甲方名称):_乙方(乙方名称):_鉴于双方拥有丰富的影

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