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1、人教版英语八年级上册教案:Unit5 SectionA(Grammar Focus-3c)Unit5 SectionA(Grammar Focus-3c) 教案 【教材版本与册数】新目标人教版八年级上册 【单元名称】Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? 【课时】Section A Grammar Focus-3c (第2课时)【课型】Grammar Focus(语法课)教材分析本课时内容人教版新目标初中英语教材8上Unit 5 ,该单元话题是“Entertainment”,功能是“Talk about preference and make plans


3、news, discussion, plan, hope, stand, happen, expect, soap opera, find out, sitcom, comedy, joke - What do you plan to watch tonight? - I plan to watch Days of Our Past.-What can you expect to learn from sitcoms.-You can learn some great jokes.-Do you want to watch the news? -Yes, I do./ No, I dont.-

4、Why do you like watching the news?-Because I hope to find out whats going on around the world.-What do you think of talk shows?- I dont mind them./ I cant stand them!/ I love watching them!学习策略:2. 通过核心句型的集中学习,学生能更加牢固地掌握电视节目及其形容词。3. 通过组句训练,强化本单元重点知识的学习和突破语法难点。4. 通过开放性的口语活动,能够在真实的语境中使用目标词汇和句型。情感态度价值观目

5、标:让学生了解各类电视节目,对各类电视节目有筛选性的进行收看,理解时尚,培养健康向上的个人爱好。教学重难点教学重点:1. 学会动词不定式作定语,want to do, plan to do, expect to do, hope to do。2. 能在创设的情境中交际。教学难点:1、能熟练正确的使用动词不定式; 2、运用动词不定式做练习题。建议教法 语法课的“3E”教学模式: E-experience(创设真实语境,体验语法意义)E-explore(自主探究规划,感悟语法体系)E-express(分层多元表达,得体运用语法)以情境为载体,以探究为手段,以表达为核心,帮助学生将语言的形式、意义、

6、和用法紧密联系起来,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。教学流程(详见相应教学设计)教学评价1.本课时的目标设计清晰可操作,活动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。 2.本课时活动设计遵循语言规律,由易到难逐层递进,从语法感知,讲解,总结归纳,充分体现英语语法知识从输入到输出的完整过程,从笔头练习过渡到口头练习。附:教学活动设计步骤过程措施(教师活动与学生活动)目的持续性评价1预备与激活先期知识Step 1Leading in ( 5mins )1. T: Boys and Girls, its time for class! Do you remember what we have learned

7、last class?Ss: Yes, we talked about the types of TV shows.T: Good job! Can you remember the new words we have learned last class? Lets do a dictation.T: The teacher plays the tape, and students write the words according to what they have heard. 2. T: Lets watch a video, can you guess what the two pe

8、ople talking about are? (The teacher should choose a video about talking about the like or dislike of TV shows.) After watching, students answer the teachers question.S: It mainly talks about the like or dislike of TV shows.T: Its nice. This class, Lets continue to learn how to ask the like or disli

9、ke of TV shows.1. 利用听写上节课学习到的新单词来帮助检查学生上节课学习的效果如何,是否达到了上一课时的目标。也帮助学生回忆了上节课所学习的知识,为本节课的继续学习做铺垫。2.利用看一个小视频导入本节课话题并呈现问询别人对某一电视节目的意见所需的句型,如:What do you think of?/ Do you want to watch a ?/ Why do you like watching? 等,比较容易激发学生的学习积极性,提前感知即将要学习的句型,吸引学生的注意力。创设真实语境,体验语法意义。1.通过课前的检查,培养学生课后的复习习惯。2.通过这种方式,培养学生感

10、知事物的能力,在以后的学习过程中,接触到有关背景信息,就会知道即将要探讨的主题。2获取新知识Step2Presentation (呈现) (15mins)1. T: Show some sentences of grammar focus on the PPT, and let students to read it.T: Let students try to remember them.2. T: Let Ss discuss in groups, and find the difficult points that Ss cannot understand.After this, the

11、 teacher needs to explain them for Ss carefully. 3. After grasping all the meaning of the sentences, Lets fill in the blanks on the PPT.a. Do you () () watch the news?b. What do you () () talk shows? I dont () them./ I cant () them./ I () watching them.c. What do you () () watch tonight?d. I () () w

12、atch Days of Our Past.e. What can you () () expect to learn () sitcoms.f. Why () () like () the news?g. Because I hope to () () whats () () around the world.( list sentences in Grammar Focus and let students fill in the blanks according to their memory. ) 4. Let students read all sentences we have f

13、illed just now to consolidate them.5. T: Let Ss to make conversations according these sentences in pairs.自主探究规划,感悟语法体系:1. 运用多媒体教学,展示grammar focus的句子,让学生记忆,更直观生动形象,为后续呈现语法知识做铺垫。2. 记忆完成后,要检查学生的学习情况,通过这种填空联系,比较灵活的巩固所学知识。3.语法呈现完后,一定要让学生找出不会的难点,教师根据学生反应的重难点逐个分析,讲解清楚,之后学生才能更好地把握,在以后的练习中也能灵活的运用。先直观展示语法点,给学

14、生一个输入的过程,教师讲解重难点之后,通过一些练习,检验学生的输出情况,所谓“死去活来”,培养学生灵活处理所学知识的能力。3巩固新知识Step 3Practice(练习)(10mins)Work on 3a1. T:Tell Ss to look at 3a and write down something according to their own situation to complete the conversation. Then practice it with a partner.2. T: After several minutes practice, let some Ss

15、to show their conversation to the class. 3. Let other students evaluate their conversation, the teacher find grammar mistakes with the class.A game:1. T: the teacher organize a speed game.Put several sentences in 3a on the PPT, and upset the order. Let Ss number the sentences in the correct order. 2

16、. Find which student is the fastest one to finish. And the teacher gives her or him praises and gifts.Work on 3b1. T: List four questions and let students give the answers that are true for them. Then write them down.a. What do you think of game shows?b. What comedy shows do you like to watch?c. Do

17、you plan to watch a sports show tonight?d. What can you expect to learn from the news?2. T: Ask volunteers to answer these questions, and pay attention to the grammar mistakes in their writing. 分层多元表达,得体运用语法:3a 的练习对于学生来说,比较简单,根据学生的实际情况进行填写,比较开放。这里设置一个速度比赛,考察学生对于之前新学的知识的掌握程度,能否第一时间反应出来,检验学生对知识的快速提取,以

18、游戏的方式学生比较喜欢,比教师问学生答这种传统的方式更能调动学生的积极性。做练习的目的就是巩固所学语法点,做得多了,也就能更加熟练地掌握运用知识。但更高的目标是部分学生应该能学会利用做练习时教师所指导的方法策略获取有效信息,从而解决以后所遇到的此类问题。4深度加工知识Step 4Production(产出) (8mins)Role play1. Suppose you are surveyor, please make a survey in your groups. Ask your classmates questions using the sentences and phrases w

19、hat we have learned today and write their names in the chart. Find someone who Students names Wants to watch a movie Hopes to watch a sitcom Expects to watch the news Plans to watch a sports show Never wants to watch a game show 2. In the process of making a survey, the teacher needs to turn around

20、the students and give guidelines on time.3. Ask several groups to show their survey and choose the best group.进一步巩固本节课所学新知内容,拓展学生思维。通过分组调查,使学生能运用到所学知识,并且评选出最好的一组的形式展开活动,有利于提高学生之间的竞争意识。而且也可以提高学生的口头表达能力。培养学生的口头表达能力,通过意义练习能够培养学生灵活处理所学知识的能力,提高批判思维。5评价学生学习Step 5Summary (7mins)3. T: OK, boys and girls, th

21、rough this class, we have learned how to ask others attitudes towards the different kinds of TV show, so who can make a brief summary?Ss: Students give their answer, and teacher can add something according to students answer.Summary:The ways to express likes and dislikesExpressing likesI loveI likeE

22、xpressing dislikes I dont like I cant stand4. HomeworkFirstly, review the knowledge of grammar focus.Secondly, ask parents attitudes towards the different kinds of TV shows, and communicate it with your partner.这部分是一个总结的环节,一节课结束后,学生要在头脑中有一个清晰的语言点的脉络,知道本节课主要学习到了什么。逐步让学生来总结,提高他们的总结归纳意识和能力。通过话轮能让大多数学生清

23、晰回顾本堂课的课脉结构,通过课后作业,检测学生在课后是否能基本运用本堂课的目标语言,体现对学生的可持续性评价。Exercise 1. “你觉得游戏节目怎样?”“我忍受不了那些东西。” “_do you_ _game shows?” “ I _ _them”.2. 他们对每样东西的看法如何? _ did they _ _everything?3. 我们喜欢在课堂上用英语问问题。 We enjoy_ _ _ _ in class.4. 你介意把这件事告诉他吗? Would you_ _him about this?5 他们不能忍受太阳镜。你呢? They cant _ sunglasses. _

24、_you? 6 Linda对运动节目不在乎。 Linda_ _ _ _7 Ken认为谈话节目怎么样?他很喜爱它们。 What _Ken think of _ _? He _them.1. A: What do you think of sitcoms? B: Oh, I _ mind them. A. cant B. dont C. am not2. A: What does she think of the talk show? B: She _ stand them. A. isnt B. doesnt C. cant3. She wants to _. A. swim B. swimmi

25、ng C. swims4. _ do you think of the movie? Its very interesting. I like it. A. Why B. Which C. How D. What5. Its too hot in the classroom. We cant _ it. We all _ up and go out of the classroom. A. mind; stand B. stand; stand C. sit; stand6. How about _ out for a walk? A. to go B. going C. go D. goes当堂测评答案:1、 What think of cant stand 2、What think of 3、asking questions in English 4、mind telling 5.stand How about 6、doesnt mind sports shows 7. does talk show loves 单项选择题:1-6. BCADBB9 / 9

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