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1、Unit 1 Relationships1. When I was omega high school , I was really _. In college I found out that my _ is to be a science fiction writer ! After high school , my girl friend , Melissa , and I went to _. After a while , we just _.2. My _ year of college I lived in Europe _. I ended up going back to N

2、ew York for _.3. My dad owns _. He always wanted me to take over for him when he retired ,but flowers really arent _. Right now Im working _ to a famous chef. Someday I hope to have my own television _.4. As a teenager, I had _ and way of thinking. I was _, while my boyfriend, Brad, was very conserv

3、ation. Everyone was really surprised when Brad and I decided to _. I guess they thought wed eventually break up. Unit 2 Identity1. Ms. Kelsey is a librarian, but shes _sports cars.2. Kris rides a motorcycle, but shes also a nerd when _ history.3. Daves friends thought that _ in Hollywood would chang

4、e him, bur Dave is still just a regular guy. Fame hasnt changed him.4. Jonathan might be the best basketball player in the state, but he doesnt have _going pro. He just wants to play _.5. Terry is a jock ,but when _ the football field, hes watching romantic movies.6. Everybody assumes Carrie is a se

5、rious person because shes quiet. But sjes really got _.7. Jordan is very _, but she keeps some things about her life private.8. Mark is very intelligent, but hes not _. Unit 3 Advice1. My _ daughter has horrible tantrums. How do I get her to _?2. You need to _. Some people arent comfortable spanking

6、 their kids. If you dont want to punish her physically, try taking away _-maybe a toy. Whatever you do, pick one method and stick to it. Use the same method all the time.3. Whenever I start a new girl, my parents _. They always invite her over to talk. What should I do?4. Dont blame _ being interest

7、ed in your life. They care about you!5. One of music friends wants to fix me up with his neighbor. She thinks we would be _. Should I agree to a date even though _?6. Blind dates are kind of scary. You dont know that would expect. But I say: _!7. My boyfriend doesnt want me to _ my friends. What can

8、 I do about his jealousy?8. Oohthats _. If your boyfriend is possessive now, hell just get worse later. You should _. Unit 4 Family1. My family is a little unusual, some people might even say _.2. My mother is extreme when it comestible to neatness. She _ even a speck of dust in the house .3. Mom is

9、 really _, when it comestible to household chores. Every day, we have to do a couple of hours of chores to keep things neat.4. My father loves to barbecue. Hes definitely a fanatic. He _ his barbecue grill.5. One time, I accidentally broke dads grill. He completely freaked out. He _ a day to buy ano

10、ther one.6. My sister, Alicia, is a vegan. She not only avoids meat, but also any animal products, _.7. Sometimes Alicia and dad argue because they have opposite interests. Shes as devoted to her vegetarianism _ his barbecuing.8. Some of my other relatives are _. Ive got an aunt who thinks she can s

11、ee the future and a cousin who does four hours of bodybuilding exercises every day!9. My family might be a little _ some people, but they dont bother me much. After all, theyre the only family Ive got. Unit 5 Decisions1. Pamela is pregnant _. She has to decide whether she wants to be a working mom o

12、r stay-at-home mom.2. The Yamamotos are planning a vacation. They have to figure out which airline offers _.3. Stan is unhappy at work, but jewelry makeshift a good salary. Hes going to _ of getting a lower-paying job that he likes better.4. Kelsey _ toward going to Harvard because she has family ne

13、ar Boston, _ she also really likes Yale.5. Ben just decided to _ his girlfriend, Laura. Hes going to have an airplane write “will you marry me?”in the sky.6. Mrs. Lais company wants to transfer her to another county. Shes going to have _ with her husband about it tonight.7. Katherine isnt sure _ she

14、 wants to _ anthropology or linguistics.8. Jeremy and Priscilla didnt realize until they got engaged _ to plan a wedding.9. For Roland, the downside of buying a new car is that he has to _ to make the nest decision. Unit 6 LanguageWarm up:1.I think teachers who work in the United States and the UK s

15、hould be _ speakers of English.2.There are so many varieties of English that I can never be an _ in all of them.3.English has a lot of _ . How am I supposed to know that a hot pair of jeans means the same thing as a cool pair of jeans?4.I would be worried about _ for applying for a job in the United

16、 States. What if they didnt think my English was good enough?5.June: I dont mind if my teacher has a different _ than Im used to, as long as I can understand what he or she is saying.6.I think its useful to have some knowledge of different _ of English. That knowledge will _ when I travel.7.The larg

17、e number of slang words in English is _ . There is a lot to _.8.I think companies should_non-native speakers of English if they are qualified to do the job. Unit 7 PersonalityWarm Up(Answers in bold.)1.The guy has to be _ or I wont _ him.2.I dont need to be _ by the girls looks, but she should have

18、a nice smile.3.I like to spend money, so I need someone with a good _.4.It takes me a few mouths to _ people. But then I start to feel comfortable with them.5.I can usually tell within the first few minutes of meeting someone whether or not we c _.6.I want a guy whos _ .He should consider my feeling

19、s and opinions.7.I tend to _ women who have a sense of humor.8.Im not interested in making a _ at this point in my life. I just want to have fun!9.I dont want somebody whos so busy with work that he cant spend _ with me.Unit 8 TechnologyWarm upModern Technology: Friend or Foe?Modern Technology has m

20、ade our lives easier. But have we traded convenience for danger? Lets take a look at the dark side of technology .Hidden Expenses: Better save up some cash. Program developers are constantly changing their software, and you may need to pay to get newest _ . Getting ready to buy a new computer? You m

21、ight find that the programs you already own are _ with your new system .Security: The internet has made shopping easy. But it is possible to steal online credit information. Thats why insurance companies are offering _ polices. You also have to worry about _ that could damage your computer .Privacy:

22、 Many people couldnt live without e-mail. But most people could live without _. Your inbox can get so _ with cyber junk mail that you spend all your time _ it . And what about those “cute _ ” people send? They might seem funny to some people, but theyre annoying to most.Mental health: computers are

23、very entertaining, but have people become too attached? For some, the computer has become an _ . Video games and online gambling are _ activities that can make you a prisoner of your computer. Unit 9 Living SituationsWarm Up1. Now that Krista is in college, she doesnt live at home. She lives in _ wi

24、th other students.2. Krista likes some of her new responsibilities, but she also thinks that college life has some _ .3. One problem is that the students have 10:00 p.m. _ on weeknights.4. Another problem is that Kristas roommate, Jasmine, has some _ habits. For example, she leaves her books and clo

25、thes all over the floor.5. Jasmine also _ when she sleeps, so Krista has trouble sleeping.6. The worst part of dorm life is there isnt much privacy. Sometimes Kristas neighbors just _ without knocking on the door.7. Krista also had problem with her parents. When she first moved out, they called her

26、everyday. They were _ about their daughter.8. At first, Krista was very _ that her parents cared about her. But after a while ,she wanted more freedom and more privacy.9. Now, Kristas parents only call once or twice a month. They want to give her some _ .Unit 10 Survival l Tsunami:Sometimes there is

27、 very little warning before a tsunami. People may have only a short time to _ theirs homes .Sudawan and her family lost their home in the emergency _ for many months.l Earthquake:In a quake you might feel a rolling motion or a _. Juan Gutierrezs apartment building _ in the 1985 Mexio City earthquake

28、. Luckily, he was able to dig himself out of the_. The whole experience was _, “he told reporters.l Avalanche:Mountain climbing can be very dangerous when there is an avalanche. Climbers can be _ down the mountain. A few years ago, emergency teams risked their lives to _ survivors of a big avalanche

29、 in the Colorado Rockies.l Volcanic Eruption:The force of a volcanic eruption can_ trees out of the ground. After the eruption, hot _ cover the ground. The villagers on the Indonesian island of Java have learned to accept that volcanic eruption are a natural part of life .” There is nothing we can do to stop them,” a villager named Sukarno said.” When we learn to _ the volcano, we learn to be at peace with nature.”

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