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1、研究生英语阅读综合教程 上Reading More 翻译Unit 1 Why Do We Work?Lawyers practice a difficult and demanding profession. They expect to be well compensated. In thinking about what that means, it can help to consider the basic question, “Why do we work?” Samuel Johnson supplied an obvious answer when he famously obs

2、erved, “No man but a blockhead ever wrote,except for money.” But I am not being paid to write this article, and instead of labeling myself a blockhead, let me refer to the insight of eminent psychologist Theodor Reik: Work and lovethese are the basics. Without them there is neurosis.律师们从事的是一项要求很高又费神

3、的职业。他们期待优厚的报酬。在思考这句话 的含义时,考虑一下这个基本问题会对我们有所帮助:“我们为什么工作? ”塞缪尔约翰逊在他的著名论断“除了笨蛋没有人会写作,除非为了钱。”中显然给出了 答案。但我写这篇文章时并没有人付我钱。,而且我非但不会把自己当作傻瓜,还想引用一下著名的心理学家西奥多赖克的深刻见解:“工作和爱这是基本需求。没有这两样,人就会得神经官能症。”Why do we work? For money, but also for sanity. We expect and need to be compensated in nonmonetary ways. Noneconomic

4、 compensation matters to top-flight lawyersotherwise, they would have long ago fled to investment banks. Law firms that want to recruit and retain the best (and the sanest) must compensate not only in dollars but also in psychic gratification. Accordingly, managers of elite firms need to think consc

5、iously about what lawyers are looking for beyond money. Here are some key noneconomic elements of compensation.我们为什么工作?为钱,也为有明智的头脑。我们期待并且需要以非货币的方式获得回 报,非经济报酬对一流的律师们来说很重要要不然,他们早就跑到投资银行去了。律师事务所如果要招募并挽留住最好的(也是最有头脑的)律师的话,就必须不仅仅 以美元的方式,而且还要以精神满足的方式支付报酬。相应地,一流律师事务所的经理们需要认真地考虑,除了钱律师们还在寻找什么。以下是非经济报酬的一些关键因素。

6、Professional identity职业认同感Many lawyers define themselves with reference to the privileges and attributes of their profession. When firms recognize professional prerogatives, they provide an important form of compensation.许多律师从行业的特权和性质来诠释他们自己。当律师事务所认可了他们的职业特权时,便提供了一种重要的补偿方式。For example, Lawyers pride

7、 themselves on belonging to a learned profession. By providing opportunities for continued intellectual growth, law firms can simultaneously provide a form of compensation and reinforce a core value of the profession. This isnt hard to do. Organize and host seminars with leading scholars, support sc

8、holarship in-house with resources such as research assistance and create venues for lawyers to engage in serious discourse.例如,律师们以属于一个学识渊博的行业而引以为豪。通过提供进一步增长知识的机会,律师事务所能够在提供一种回报方式的同时加强行业的核心价值。做到这一点并不难,组织并主办由最好的学者主讲的研讨班,利用诸如研究援助等资源提供内部奖学金,并为律师们提供进行严肃讨论的场所。Another core professional value is autonomy. A

9、 law firm pays psychic compensation when it understands and accepts that in matters of professional judgment, lawyers are their own masters. In this regard, firms should encourage a diversity of approaches, letting each lawyer develop his or her own style of practice. Empowering lawyers in this way

10、inculcates a heightened sense of personal responsibility, which in turn reinforces the drive for individual excellence.另一个核心行业价值是自主性。当一个律师事务所理解并接受了在职业性判断这样的 事情上律师们是自己的主人,它就是在支付精神报酬。从这个意义上说,律师事务所 应该鼓励以多样化的方式让每位律师形成自己的行事风格。以此种方式授权律师既强调了一种高度的个人责任感,又反过来加强了个人追求卓越的驱动力。Equally important to professional aut

11、onomy is that firms need to take care not to impinge on a lawyers exercise of considered professional judgment, even when that means refusing a client. Lawyers are not the servants of their clients. In appropriate circumstances, telling the client “No” is an act of the highest professionalism. A law

12、yer is well-paid with the confidence that the firm will stand behind him or her in such circumstances.与职业自主性同样重要的是,律师事务所需要注意不要干涉律师运用他们经过深思熟 虑的职业判断,即便那意味着拒绝客户。律师不是客户的仆从,在适当的条件下,对 客户说“不”是一种体现最高职业素养的行为。在这种情况下,当一名律师深信律师事务所会在背后支持他,他便获得了丰厚的报酬。Lastly, professional status encompasses adherence to ethical st

13、andards. Most lawyers find self-worth in setting an exampleboth within the profession and within the larger societyas ethical actors. When management affirms the special respect due to lawyers who act with the utmost integrity and civility in all of their professional dealings, it provides yet anoth

14、er form of compensation.最后,职业地位包含对职业标准的遵守。很多律师通过在行业内外把自己塑造成一个 具有良好职业道德的典范来找到自我价值。对那些在所有职业行为中都表现出极度正 直和谦逊有礼的律师们来说,当管理阶层对他们理应受到的特别尊重表示肯定时,便 又获得了另一种形式的精神报酬。Personal pride个人自豪感Few of us make it through the rigors of a legal education without having a deeply internalized sense of excellence for its own s

15、ake. Lawyers compensate themselves with the powerful self-affirmation of a job well done.很少有人会这样:在经历严格的法律教育之后,没有体验到纯粹的、深深融合进自己性格的追求卓越的精神。工作出色的律师们用强有力的自我肯定来犒赏自己。As a matter of both compensation and reputation, an elite firm cannot afford to impede the drive to excellence, even when its not cost effec

16、tive in the short term, This means, for example, that firm management should applaud the writing and rewriting of a brief to the highest standard even when a cynical perspective would suggest that the extra effort will have no practical effect.从报酬和声望的角度来说,一家顶级律师事务所承担不起阻挠追求卓越的动力所带来 的后果,即使从短期来看这并不合算。这

17、意味着,举个例子来说,律师事务所管理层 应该称赞按照最高标准一再重写诉讼要点这样的行为,即使有处世悲观的人认为花额外的力气并不会带来实际的效益。Always celebrate superlative work product even when it seems unlikely to make a difference in the outcome. Instead of kowtowing to client demands for super work at a cut-rate price, deliver excellence and expect to be paid for i

18、t.要始终祝贺出色的工作成果.即便这些成果对事情的结局似乎不大可能产生影响。不 要对客户们低价位高质量的工作要求百依百顺,要奉献优质的工作并期待相应的回报。Idealism理想主义Think back to law school. Who remembers talking into the night about how to obtain the highest profits per equity partner?回想一下在法学院的情景吧。谁记得就如何使每位参股合伙人获得最高利润的话题谈论至深夜?More memorable discussions covered things such

19、 as the advancement of civil rights, the provision of legal services to the poor, the development of a more equitable system of taxation, the promulgation of international norms guaranteeing basic human dignity. Lawyers thirst for justice, and slaking that thirst is an important element of compensat

20、ion. Almost by definition, an elite law firm supports pro bono and public service efforts, thereby accomplishing the intertwined goal of compensating its professionals and discharging its institutional obligations to society.更值得回忆的讨论包括诸如公民权的提高,为穷人提供法律服务,创造一种更公平的 税收制度,保证基本人格尊严的国际法规的颁布等话题。律师们渴望正义,满足这种

21、渴望是一种重要的补偿元索。一家顶级的律师事务所支持公益服务几乎是理所当然的,它由此完成既回报专业人士又履行作为公共机构对于社会的责任这两个密不可分的目标。Recognition表彰Psychic compensation includes recognition, both formal and informal. Rendering such compensation depends on managements making just a little extra effort to acknowledge achievement. Celebrate important accompli

22、shments and mark important milestones. On occasion, elaborate dinners or parties are called for, but often casual events will serve the purpose. Institute formal award programs. Stage ceremonies of public recognition. Never neglect to mark even relatively minor accomplishments with a congratulatory

23、e-mail or phone call.精神报酬包括表彰,正式和非正式的。给予这样的报酬要依靠管理层多做点努力来认可员工的成绩。庆祝重要的成就和标识重要的具有里程碑意义的事件。偶尔需要举办一些精致的晚宴或晚会,但是一些休闲的活动往往就能达到目的。设立正式的奖励方案筹办一些公开的表彰仪式。决不要忽视以祝贺性的邮件或电话的方式祝贺即便是相对渺小的成绩Institutional pride团体自蒙感Finally, a law firm can compensate its lawyers by giving them cause to be proud to be a part of the f

24、irm. Law firms, as institutions, can outlive, outperform and out contribute any individual. We join firms in order to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. When firm management commits itself to building the firm as an integrated institution, with strong institutional values, and when the fi

25、rm thrives as an institution, belonging to the firm becomes its own reward.最后,律师事务所可以给予律师们身为其中一员而自豪的理由,藉此方式给律师报酬。律师事务所,作为公共机构,会比任何个人生存得长久,表现得出色,贡献得更多。我们加入律师事务所是为了超越个体的自我,成为团体的一部分。当事务所管理层致力于把事务所打造成一个有着强烈的团体价值观的完善机构的时候,当事务所作为一个机构蓬勃发展的时候,归属于这个事务所便成为了对自身的回报。Of course, this requires management to foster

26、a corporate identity6 that subsumes individual egosthe greater good of the group must take precedence. And the firm as an institution must meet the highest standards in every area: excellent corporate citizenship, superb client service, selfless public service, outstanding reputation.当然,这要求管理层培养一种包含

27、个人自我的企业身份集体的大利益必须高于一切。作为机构的律师事务所必须在毎个领域符合最高的标准:一流的企业形象,优质的客户服务,无私的公共服务,突出的声望。In sum, lawyersor, at least, the best lawyersdont work for bread alone. And law firmsor, at least, elite law firmscannot hope to effectively recruit or retain top legal talent without an attractive package7 of psychic compe

28、nsation, which means that law firm managers must attend to the same.总之,律师们或者,至少,最优秀的律师们不是只为面包工作。律师事务所或者,至少,最精英的律师事务所如果不能提供富有吸引力的精神回报,不可能指望有效地招募到或挽留住顶级的法律人才,这意味着律师事物所的经理们必须两者兼顾。Unit4 The Last Chapter“I love you, Bob.”“我爱你,鲍勃。”“I love you, too, Nancy”“我也爱你,南希。”It was 2 a.m. and I was hearing my parent

29、s voices through the thin wall separating my bedroom from theirs. Their loving reassurances were sweet, touching-and surprising.凌晨两点,我听到与我一墙之隔的卧室中传出了父母的对话,他们对爱的表达令人愉悦,令人感动,却也着实令人吃惊。My parents married on September 14, 1940, after a brief courtship. She was nearing 30 and knew it was time to start a f

30、amily. The handsome, well-educated man who came by the office where she worked looked like a good bet. He was captivated by her figure, her blue eyes. The romance didnt last long.我的父母在一个简短的恋爱期后,与1940年9月14日结婚。那时我母亲已经快30岁了,她觉得是到了该建立家庭的时候了。当那个英俊、受过良好教育的那字经过她的办公室时,她觉得他应该是一个不错的人选,而那个男子也被她美妙的身体和那双蓝色的眼睛所吸引

31、。但这段罗曼史并没有持续太长时间。Seeds of difference sprouted almost immediately. She liked to travel; he hated the thought He loved golf; she did not. He was a Republican; she an ardent Democrat. They fought at the bridge table, at the dinner table, over money, over the perceived failings of their respective in-la

32、ws. To make matters worse, they owned a business together, and the everyday frustrations of life at the office came to roost at home.很快,他们的分歧就显现出来。她酷爱旅游,他不喜欢外出,他喜欢打高尔夫球,她却不感兴趣:他是共和党派,而她支持民主党。他们总是不停地吵架,从桥牌桌上吵到饭桌上,为钱吵,互相埋怨对方的亲戚。更糟糕的是,他们共同经营了一份生意,每天工作上的不如意同样会被带回家吵。There was a hope that they would chang

33、e once they retired, and the furious winds did calm somewhat, but what remained steeled itself into bright, hard bitterness. “I always thought wed” my mother would begin, before launching into a precise listing of my fathers faults. The litany was recited so often, I can reel it off by heart today.

34、As he listened, my father would mutter angry threats and curses. It was a miserable duet.原来以为退休后的情况会有所改变,不错,怒火是稍稍平息了一些,但余怒却结成了强烈的怨恨。“我总是觉得我要是”我母亲总爱以这句话开始,然后细数父亲的种种不是。她反复絮叨,以至于我至今还能背诵出来。而父亲则气咻咻地一边威胁,一边嘟嚷着难听的骂人话。那可真是最糟糕的二重奏。It wasnt the happiest marriage, but as their 60th anniversary approached, my s

35、ister and I decided to throw a party. Sixty years was a long time, after all; why not try to make the best of things? Wed provide the cake, the balloons, the toasts, and theyd abide by one rule: no fighting.虽然父母的婚姻并不是最幸福的,但我们姐妹俩还是决定在他们结婚60年时举办一 个派对。毕竟,60年够长了,为什么不好好改善一下关系呢?我们为二老准备了蛋糕、气球、祝酒辞,只求他们信守一个承

36、诺:不再吵架。The truce was honored. We had a wonderful day. In hindsight it was an important celebration, because soon after, things began to change for my parents. As debilitating dementia settled in, their marriage was about the only thing they wouldnt lose.停战协定兑现了,60周年纪念日那天,大家都过得非常愉快。现在肴来,那次派对真的很重要,因为从

37、那之后,事情开始慢慢地起了变化。老年痴呆症的各种症状在二老 身上逐渐显现出来,到后来,除了对方,他们什么都不记得了。It began when their memories started to fade. Added to the frequent house-wide hunts for glasses and car keys were the groceries left behind on the counter, notices of bills left unpaid. Soon my parents couldnt remember names of friends,then

38、of their grandchildren. Finally they didnt remember that they had grandchildren.最开始是他们的记忆力开始衰退,不仅经常满屋子找眼镜和汽车钥匙,把买好的东西 落在收银台,而且总是忘记支付账单。很快他们连朋友和自己孙子的名字也忘了,最 后甚至不记得自己有孙子。These crises would have at one time set them at each others throats,but now they acted as a team, helping each other with searches,

39、consoling each other with “Everyone does that” or “Its nothing; youre just tired.” They found new rolesbolstering each other against the fear of loss.在过去,这种危机早就让他们斗得你死我活了。可现在,他们却像团队一样紧密合作,帮对方找东西,互相安慰:“人人都健忘,”“没关系,你可能就是有点累了。”他们开始扮演新的角色帮助对方战胜失忆的恐惧。Financial control was the next thing to go. For all of

40、 their marriage, my parents stubbornly kept separate accounts. Sharing being unthinkable,theyd devised financial arrangements so elaborate they could trigger war at any time. He, for example, was to pay for everything outside the house; she for whatever went on inside. The who-pays dilemma was so co

41、mplex for one trip that they finally gave up traveling entirely.财务管理又是另一件麻烦事,因为他们一直顽固地分管各自的财产。不可思议的是,他们共同想出了很详细的财务安排,这些安排精细到随时可能触发他俩之间的战争。比如,父亲支付家里以外事务的账目,而母亲支付家里一切开支。谁来付费这一难题 太复杂了,以至于他们一次旅行都难以实现,最终不得不彻底放弃。I took over the books. Now no one knew how things got paid; no one saw how the columns that sp

42、elled their fortunes compared. Next I hired a housekeeper. Cooking and cleaning, chores my mother had long complained about, were suddenly gone. Finally on doctors orderswe cleared the house of alcohol, the fuel that turned more than one quarrel into a raging fire.我接过了这项重任。从现在起他们谁也不知道账单是怎么支付的,谁也看不到他

43、们的名下分别还有多少財产。然后我雇了个管家给他们煮饭,帮他们打扫屋子。原来母亲一直抱怨家务杂事太繁琐累人,现在也不抱怨了。最后,在医生的嘱咐下,我们将屋里所有的酒都清理掉了,因为那曾经多次将争吵升级到火冒三丈的地步。You could say my parents lives had been whittled away, that they could no longer engage in the business of living. But at the same time, something that had been buried deep was coming up and t

44、aking shape. I saw it when my father came home after a brief hospital stay.可以说,我父母的生命慢慢衰弱了,他们甚至连生活都不能自理。但同时,一些在他 们心底埋藏很深的东西逐渐显露广出来。那还要从父亲短暂住院后出院时说起。Wed tried to explain my fathers absence to my mother, but because of her memory, she could not keep it in her head why he had disappeared. She asked aga

45、in and again where he was, and again and again we told her. And each day her anxiety grew.我们试图向母亲解释父亲为什么没在她身边,但她记性不好,总是忘记为什么他不见 了,于是一遍遍地问我们父亲在哪儿,我们就一遍遍地回答她。她的牵挂和担忧与日俱增。When I finally brought him home, we opened the front door to see my mother sitting on the sofa. As he stepped in to the room, she ro

46、se with a cry. I stayed back as he slowly walked toward her and she toward him. As they approached each other on legs rickety with age, her hands fluttered over his face. “Oh, there you are,” she said. “There you are.”当我终于把父亲从医院接回家时,打开前门,看见母亲正坐在沙发上。当父亲走进屋 里时,母亲哭着站了起来。我站在原地,看着他们慢慢走向对方。当他俩摇摇晃晃走到一起时,母亲

47、颤巍巍的手滑过父亲的脸庞,喃喃地说:“你在这儿啊,你在这儿啊”I dont doubt that if my mother and father magically regained their old vigor, theyd be back fighting. But I now see that something came of all those years of shared days-J days of sitting at the same table, waking to the same sun, working and raising children together.

48、 Even the very fury they lavished on each other was a brick in this unseen creation, a structure that reveals itself increasingly as the world around them falls apart我想,如果父母恢复了往日的活力,他们肯定会继续打架的。但现在,正是因为么多年风风雨雨一同走过:同坐在这张餐桌旁,共同迎接朝霞,一起工作,养育子女他们之间,除了矛盾,还有别的东西。即使是两人之间互相发泄的怒火,到头来反倒成了促成他们关系稳固的砖墙。在周围世界土崩瓦解的时候,他们稳固的关系却日益显露出来。In the early morning I once again heard the voices through the wall. “Where are we?” My father asked. “I dont know,” my mother replied softly.第二天淸晨,隔着墙壁,我又听到他们的声音。父亲问道:“我们在哪儿?”母亲轻声回答说:“我不知道。”How lucky they are, I thought, to have each other.我在想,他们多么幸运,因为他们拥有彼此。Unit 5 Stress

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