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1、短文改错练习1Most families in China hoped their single children will 76_have a happy future, so they are very strict in their children. 77_So do teachers in schools! Many children are given so much 78_homework that they have hardly any spare time have sports. 79_The children are forbidden to do anything b

2、ut to study. No 80_wonder so many children are tired of lessons. Some even 81_attack or kill his parents and teachers! I believe many people 82_already read this kind of news in newspapers or magazines. 83_Shouldnt we draw lesson from the accidents? Now our 84_government is making out a plan to solv

3、e the education problems.85_2Nowadays, almost every family has TV set, and almost 76_everyone likes watching TV. TV has become part of our lives. 77_TV has many advantages, for example, it informs us the 78_latest news which is happening in the world; it can open our 79_eyes, enlarge our knowledge a

4、nd also help us to see more 80_about the worlD But, it also has some disadvantages. People81_waste too much time in watching TV and his normal life 82_and work are affecteD To the children who they spend too 83_much time in watching TV, it can do harmful to their sight 84_and healthy. So we should c

5、ontrol the time of watching TV. 85_3A few months after returning the US from Germany, I took76._part in a college course in French. Since I have learned 77._to say German well in Germany, I thought it might be 78._interested to begin studying another language. At the 79._first class, the teacher ask

6、ed us to do a pronunciation 80._exercise in it he would say a word or two in French, and 81._each student would do their best to copy. When he got to 82._me, he kept having me to say more words, and I 83._finally asked him why. “I find it great fun,” she explained 84._it. “In 25 years of teaching at

7、 school, its the first time 85._Ive heard an American speak French with a German accent.”4 The Huaihe River has been serious polluted. Day and night 76._ millions of tons of waste water is being poured down to it from 77._ hundreds of factories. The waste water is harmful. At present 78._ there is n

8、o fish in it. The river water cannot be drunk. People in 79._ either bank have to dig wells to take drinking water. The Huaihe80. _River is such dirty and poisonous that people dont dare swim81._ in it. Something must be done to stopping the pollution. The82._ government and the people near the rive

9、r must try to clear water 83._ as soon as possible. Now special attention has paid to the 84._ pollution by the government and more scientists. The pollution 85._ will be prevented in the near future.5Dear Abby,How are you? Today Ive got a wonderful news to tell you. 76._I have offered a scholarship

10、 at a university in Australia for my 77._further education. One hundred and twenty students took exam 78._for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them. However, 79._my parents are not happy about it. They are strong against me 80._going there. They say it is too far away that they will no

11、t see me 81._for a whole year and they are afraid of I will feel lonely. They 82._cant imagine a girl so young live alone. They advise me to study 83._in the capital instead. Then Ill be able to continue living with 84._them. How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up?85._Best wishes

12、,Jane6A persons age no longer tells you something about 76. _ his social position, marriage or healthy. Theres no longer, 77. _a particular year which one goes to school or goes to 78. _work or gets married or start a family. The social clock 79. _that kept us on time and told us when go to school,

13、get 80. _a job, or stop working isnt as strong as it was used to be. 81. _It doesnt surprise us to hear a 28-year-old university 82. _president or a 35-year-old grandmother, or 70-year-old 83. _man who has become a father for the first time. What we84. _all know, publics ideas are changing nowadays.

14、 85. _7It is difficult for parents to teach your children to be responsible 76._(有责任的) for housework, but with one of the followed suggestions, 77._you really can get your children help you at home. If you give your 78._children the impression which they can never do anything quite right, 79._then t

15、hey will regard themselves unfit or unable persons. Unless they 80._believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independence. 81._Dont always scold and give lots of praise instead. Talk about 82._what theyve done right, but about what they havent done. If your 83._children complete a di

16、fficult task, reward (酬劳) him with a Sunday 84._trip or a ball game of Dad. 85._8Before I went to senior middle school, some peoples told 76._me. “A life of senior middle school is unforgettable.” 77._While I first entered my senior middle school, everything 78._seemed unpleasant. Face all the stran

17、ge things around me, 79._I often miss my old friends and classmates. I didnt want 80._to talk others or make friends with others. Little by little, my 81._school record went from bad to worse, especially my 82._maths. I couldnt even pass the exam. I lost the heart and 83._missed the happy times all

18、day long. I told me, “I dont 84._belong to it. I dont like the life here.” 85._9Tom and Dick are next door neighbour who work 76._in the same office so they walked together to and from 77._office. Some day as they were walking home together it 78._sudden started to rain. Tom quickly opened his umbre

19、lla 79._and said, “My wife surely has foresight (预见) . She said 80._on this morning it would rain and told me to carry my 81._umbrella with me.” Dick smiled and walked to him, said, 82._“My wife has even great foresight. She told me not to 83._carry an umbrella and as she knew you would certainly 84

20、._have with you.” 85._10Dear Sir or Madam,I see your advertisement in a student magazine and 76. _Im interesting to know more about your diving courses. 77. _First of all, I should explain that although I can swim Im 78. _not very confident in the water. But you mentioned your 79. _advertisement tha

21、t your instructors are full qualified(称职), 80. _so I believe theyll able to teach someone like me to dive. 81. _I have one weeks holiday in the three week of June 82. _and would like to know that if theres a course running at 83. _that time. How much does a weeks course worth? Finally,84. _if I deci

22、de to go ahead, are there any special equipment I 85. _need to buy or is everything provided by your company?I look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours, Tom11Dear Xiaohua,It is four days since Mother accepted the operation. 76._ She is feeling much more better. The doctors told me 77._ the o

23、peration was successful, but because her old age 78._ she had to stay in hospital for other two weeks. The 79._ doctors also say it was quite necessary for her to 80._do so. We expect to get a full report in two and three 81._ days. Please tell the good news to the rest of family 82._ as soon as pos

24、sible. You neednt to come here. Im 83. _able to look after Mother by myself. Youd better 84. _send flowers to Mother. She will feel happily. 85. _Yours,Xiaohui12Football is most popular game in England: one has only76._ to go to one of the important match to see this. Rich and 77._ poor, young and o

25、ld, one can see them all there, shout and78._ cheering for one side or the other. One of the surprised 79._ things about football in England to a stranger is the great 80._knowledge of the game which still the smallest boy seems81._ to have it. He can tell you the names of the players in most82._ of

26、 the important team, he has photographs of them and83._ know the results of large numbers of matches. He will tell84. _you his opinion which is usual as valuable as that of the adults. 85._ 13Climbing is my favourite sport. I am very food it, 76. _especially in later autumn. One day early in the mor

27、ning, 77. _my friends and I put on our sports shoes and start off. 78. _After climbing for half an hour, we got at the top of 79. _the mountain. There we had a good view miles around. In 80. _the north, a big river crossed the city. There were many 81. _ships sail busily. A lot of beautiful trees we

28、re there, too. 82. _The sun started to go down, for it was time for us 83. _to go back. On the road back, we were laughing and 84. _talking all the time. We had a good time on that day. 85. _14Before lunch Allen happened to see a man fished in 76._ a ditch about five metre outside a bar. Allen stopp

29、ed 77._ curiously. All people passing over the man who was fishing 78._ regarded him like a foolish man. Allens heart went out 79._ of him. He said kindly to fish-catcher, “Hello, will 80._ you please do me a favor and have a drink with me 81._ in the bar?” The man gladly received his invitation.82.

30、_After buying the man several cups soft-drinks, 83._Allen asked, “You are fishing there, right? May I 84._know how much fish you have caught this morning?”85._ “You are the number 8,” said the man humorously.15What should you do when your parents become angry? If 76._your parents got mad, try to hav

31、e a conversation with them77._about it. Remembering not to shout at them. They usually 78._will try to change, but they will take some time because 79._they get angry all their life, and that is all they know. You 80._might have to change for your method a couple of times. 81._Do any nice things for

32、 your parents that they dont expect82._like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean 83._the floors. If this doesnt work, bring in friend that you 84._feel comfortable, and have him or her help you. 85._16In Feb. 2nd 1979, Chinas Vice-premier 76_ Deng Xiaoping was at a visit to the U.S.

33、77_ He was in the space flight center near to Houston 78_ Texas. Sat in the pilots seat of a model of 79_ a space shuttle(航天飞机),he wasasked to touch a button 80_ to make it landing on the earth from 81_a height of 95,000 feet, that he did. From 82_ windows of the craft, he could see the earth83_ com

34、ing up to meet him as a returned space pilot 84_ would see it. Millions of people in both China andthe US watch this on TV with delight. 85_ 1. 76. hopedhope 77. inwith 78. doare 79. have前加to 80. 去掉第二个to 81. 82. histheir 83. already前加have 84. lesson前加a 85. makingcarrying2. 76. has后加a 77. liveslife 7

35、8. us后加of 79. whichthat 80. 81. ButHowever 82. histheir 83. 去掉they84. harmfulharm 85. healthyhealth3. 76. returning后加to 77. havehad 78. sayspeak 79. interestedinteresting80. 81. itwhich 82. theirhis 83. 去掉to 84. shehe 85. 去掉it 4. 76. seriousseriously 77. tointo 78. 79. inon 80. takeget 81. suchso 82

36、. stoppingstop 83. water前加the 84. paid前加been 85. 去掉more5. 76. 去掉a 77. have后加been 78. examexams 79. waswere 80. strongstrongly 81. tooso 82. 去掉of 83. liveliving 84. 85. fact后加that6. 76. somethinganything 77. healthyhealth 78. whichwhen或which前加in 79. startstarts 80. when后加to 81. 去掉was 82. 83. 70-year-

37、old前加a 84. WhatAs 85. publicspublic7. 76.yourtheir 77.followedfollowing 78.children后加to79.whichthat80.themselves后加as81.independenceindependent82. 83.but后加not84.himthem 85.ofwith8. 76. peoplespeople 77. AThe 78. WhileWhen 79. FaceFacing 80. missmissed 81. talk后加to或with 82. recordrecords 83. 去掉第二个the8

38、4. memyself 85. 9. 76. neighbourneighbours 77. walkedwalk 78. SomeOne 79. suddensuddenly 80. 81. 去掉on 82. saidsaying 83. greatgreater 84. 去掉and 85. have后加one10. 76. see saw 77. interesting interested 78. 79. your前加 in 80. full fully 81. able前加 be 82. three third 83. 去掉that 84. worth cost 85. are is11. 76. acceptedreceived 77. 去掉more 78. because后加of 79. otheranother80. saysaid 81. andor 82. family前加the 83. 去掉to84. 85. happilyhappy12. 76.is后加the 77.matchmatches 78. shoutshouting

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