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1、Unit7Worldofanimals2021/5/181Teaching planning1.Get to know each other.2.Learning classroom rules.3.Revise animals they have learned and talk about them.4.Learn more words about animals.5.Present the dialogue.6.Learn the dialogue in detail.2021/5/182Free talk2.Self-introduction1.Greetings3.Learning

2、classroom rules.2021/5/183Have you got?CatDogor2021/5/184What color is it?2021/5/185Look!What is it doing?2021/5/186elephantIts big and strong.It can carry trees.2021/5/187lionbearIt likes to eat fish,fruit,plants and meat.It sleeps 20 hours a day.2021/5/188kangaroopandaarmslegsshortthinlong strongb

3、ambooIt lives in China.2021/5/189sharkdolphina big moutha lot of teetha long nosesmall teethveryclever2021/5/1810whalea big head2021/5/1811sperm whalesp:m hweilkil hweil killer whale虎虎鲸抹香鲸抹香鲸 A killer whale is smaller than a sperm whale in its size.从尺寸上看,虎鲸比抹香鲸小。2021/5/1812 blue whaleThe blue whale

4、is the worlds largest living animal.蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物。2021/5/1813parrotIts colourful.It talks a lot.It eats fruit.2021/5/1814batIt can fly,but it isnt a bird.It eats fruit and insects.It sleeps in the day and get their food at night.2021/5/1815Lets match!DolphinBearSharkkangarooBatParrot2021/5/1816NorthAm

5、ericaSouthAmericaAsiaAfricaEuropeAntarcticaArctic Oceani:ni:nt:ktk:ktkfrikjrp e OceaniaA map of the world 2021/5/1817My home is in Australia.2021/5/1818Where do they live?2021/5/1819Stella and Simon are looking at animals of the world on the computer.2021/5/18201.What are Simon and Stella doing?2.Wh

6、at animals do you think Stella likes?3.What do kangaroos eat?4.Which animals talk a lot?Theyre looking at animals of the world on the computer.She likes pandas.They eat leaves.Parrots talk a lot.2021/5/1821Stella:Ooh.Animals o of the worldDolphins,whales and sharks live in the sea.Dolphins eat fish.

7、Simon:Yeah,and bears eat fish too.They eat everything-fish,fruit,plants,meatLook at this one.Its big and strong.Stella:Yes,lions are strong too.They sleep a lot.Simon:Heres a kangaroo.It eats leaves.Stella:I like pandas.Theyre black and white,and they live in China.Simon:Wow!These small brown bats s

8、leep in the day and get their food at nightTheyre really quick.They can eat 100 insects in five minutes.Stella:Oh,yuk.Here are Suzys favourite animals.These parrots are beautiful.Theyre red,yellow,green,blueSimon:And they talk a lot,just like Suzy!2021/5/1822eabghi2021/5/1823Write about your favouri

9、te wild animal.What colour is it?Whats it like?What does it like to eat?Where does it live?What can it do?Guided composition (a riddle)Whats your favourite wild animal?Red,green,blue,black,white,orange,yellowTall/short,big/small,fat/thin,strong/weak.fish.,fruit,plant,leaves,meat.Climb,jump,run,fly,w

10、alk,swim.Sea,land,forest,China,Australia.2021/5/1824Lets play a guessing game.Guess what is it?The small animal can fly but it isnt a bird.It sleeps in the day and gets their food at night.Its a bat.2021/5/18252021/5/1826Do you remember these adjectives?bigsmallcleandirtyhoteasycoldweaklongbadhungry

11、2021/5/1827The football is bigger than the table tennis.The table tennis is smaller than the football.2021/5/1828The yellow ruler is longer than the blue one.The blue ruler is shorter than the yellow one.2021/5/1829clean cleanerbig biggerdirty dirtiergood betterbad worsePay attention to the pronunci

12、ation of comparatives.2021/5/1830If you want to know more about animals,look up on the internet.www.World of 2021/5/18311.Whos looking at animals on the internet?2.Is the elephant clean or dirty?3.What can elephants carry?4.Can elephants swim?2021/5/1832Lenny:Weve got homework on animals today.Simon

13、:Mmm,lets use the internet.Its quicker than using a book.Lenny:Cool.Look at this elephant.Its bigger than all the other land animals in the world.Stella:Shall we look at another animal?Look at this.Lenny:A bat.Stella:Its much smaller than the elephant.It says that some bats are only four centimetres

14、 long.Lenny:The elephant is stronger-it says it can carry trees!Simon:And the elephant is much dirtier than the bat.Elephants like swimming in dirty rivers and lakes when its hot.Just like Dotty!2021/5/1833The Internet is _ _ using a book.Elephants are _ _ other land animals.Bats are _ _ than elepha

15、nts.The elephant is _ _ _the bat.quicker thanbigger thanmuch smallermuch dirtier than2021/5/1834Whales are bigger than dolphins.Dolphins are longer than whales.Dolphins are quicker than whales.Elephants are dirtier than bats.Elephants are stronger than hippos.Sharks are longer than dolphins.X?2021/5

16、/1835quietstrongweakquieterstrongerweaker2021/5/1836fatslowfatterslower2021/5/1837longbiglongerbiggerwhale2021/5/1838badgoodworsebetter2021/5/1839 Im walking,Im walking.What can I see?.I can see a lion and its bigger than me.Im swimming,Im swimming.What can I see?.I can see a shark and its uglier th

17、an me.Im standing,Im standing.What can I see?.I can see a snake and its thinner than me.Im hiding,Im hiding.What can I see?.I can see a bat and its smaller than me.Im sitting,Im sitting.What can I see?.I can see a monkey and its naughtier than me.2021/5/1840July 5th 教学内容U7-口头作业:U7-9听读3次书面

18、作业:练习册U7-5 6 7 82021/5/1841LionThinkislandcityfivelivewildriverthin2021/5/1842马达加斯加达加斯加(Madagascar)2021/5/18432021/5/1844You can climb it.Sometimes you can see snow on top of it.You can climb it.Sometimes you can see snow on top of it.Its sometimes under the ground.Its dark inside it.Its sometimes u

19、nder the ground.Its dark inside it.Sometimes it has a river or a lake in it.Bats sometimes live in Sometimes it has a river or a lake in it.Bats sometimes live in it.it.Its very hot here and it rains everyday.Its very hot here and it rains everyday.Its a place with sea all around it.Its a place with

20、 sea all around it.It can be very loud.Its a place where water from a river It can be very loud.Its a place where water from a river comes down quickly over rocks or into a es down quickly over rocks or into a lake.JungleJungleCave Cave WaterfallWaterfallIslandIslandmountainmountain2021/5/18452021/5/1846

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