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1、奥黛丽赫本(Audrey Hepburn)She is synonymous with elegance,She is a woman with an exquisite combination of the angels,She is a holy and beautiful scale,We are attracted to both men and women for her,God is also eager to kiss her cheek,She is a angel in the world,She is Audrey.Hepburn!She had made a total

2、of 31 high quality movies.For example,My Fair Lady,Funny Face,and so on.Her elegance and style will always be remembered in film history as evidenced by her being named in Empire magaines The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time.During her lifetime,Audrey won an Oscar for Best Actress for her role in Rom

3、an Holiday.She also won the Tony Awards for the play Ondine.She earned four more nominations in her acting years.Audrey was also a great humanitarian.In 1992,the President of the United States presented her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work.In 1991,Audery discoverde that she had ca

4、ncer.On 10th January 1993,she took her last walk in her garden.Ten days later,at the age of 63,Audrey passed away,peacefully,in her sleep.Audery hepdurnsayingFor attractive lips,speak words of kindness.For lovely eyes,seek out the good in people.For a slim figure,share your foodwith the hungry.For p

5、oise,walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.For beautiful eyes,look for the good in others;for beautiful lips,speak only words of kindness;and for poise,walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.Living is like tearing through a museum.Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw,thinking about it,looking it up in a book,and remembering-because you cant take it in all at once.And Audrey Hepburn is never outdated fashionlabel.Now,many stars are deliberately imitate her dress.Thank you!

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