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1、Modern Modern agricultureagricultureUnit 19Unit 19manuremanureQuestions:3.How many parts can you divide the 3.How many parts can you divide the passage into?What is the general passage into?What is the general idea of each paragraph?idea of each paragraph?1.What is the biggest problem of 1.What is t

2、he biggest problem of Chinese farmers?Chinese farmers?2.What does GM mean?2.What does GM mean?The biggest problem of Chinese The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is the shortage of arable farmers is the shortage of arable land.land.GM is a new technique that can GM is a new technique that can make

3、 a thing quite different from make a thing quite different from what it used to be,bigger and what it used to be,bigger and healthier and with no diseases,healthier and with no diseases,and it takes much and it takes much less time to grow.less time to grow.Traditional agricultureTraditional agricul

4、ture in China.in China.Paragraph 2:Paragraph 2:The The developmentdevelopment of agriculture of agriculture before the 1980s.before the 1980s.Paragraph 3:Paragraph 3:New techniquesNew techniques to protect environ-to protect environ-ment as well as increasing produc-ment as well as increasing produc

5、-tion from the 1990s.tion from the 1990s.Paragraph 4-6:Paragraph 4-6:Ways to solve the problem of Ways to solve the problem of the the shortage shortage of of arable landarable land.(Greenhouses GM to create plants)(Greenhouses GM to create plants)Paragraph 1:Paragraph 1:Ture or FaulseTure or Faulse

6、1.No advanced technical information 1.No advanced technical information was brought in from abroad before was brought in from abroad before 1980.()1980.()2.Scientists have always tried to 2.Scientists have always tried to increase farming production increase farming production without harming the en

7、vironment without harming the environment since the early 1990s.()since the early 1990s.()F FT T3.Growing vegetables can reduce 3.Growing vegetables can reduce losses caused by bad weather and losses caused by bad weather and it can partly settle the problem of it can partly settle the problem of th

8、e shortage of arable land.()the shortage of arable land.()4.Traditional methods of farming have 4.Traditional methods of farming have no advantages so they wonno advantages so they wont be t be used in future agriculture.()used in future agriculture.()T TF F5.The GM technique can only be used 5.The GM technique can only be used on plants,but not on animals at the on plants,but not on animals at the present time.()present time.()F FActivities Activities Kind HowWhy Fruit Vegetables Animals

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