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1、(每日一练每日一练)2023)2023 年人教版高中英语必修一年人教版高中英语必修一 Unit2TravellingAroundUnit2TravellingAround 考点总结考点总结 单选题 1、The singer fell in love with Mozarts music when he sang for the college choir.从句中主语是:AThe singerBMozarts musicCheDthe college choir 答案:C 考查句子成分分析。句意:这位歌手在大学唱诗班演唱时爱上了莫扎特的音乐。分析可知,本句是含有时间状语从句的复合句。when 为

2、时间状语从句的引导词,he 为从句的主语,sang 为谓语,for the college choir 为状语。故选 C。2、When I reread my article,I realized that some sentences needed _.AimproveBbeing improvedCimprovingDimproved 答案:C 考查固定搭配。句意:当我重新读我的文章时,我意思到,一些句子需要改善。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查固定搭配 need doing,表示“需要被做”的意思,doing 是主动形式表示被动的意思。故选 C。3、You should focus mo

3、re _your career while you are young.AinBatConDwith 答案:C 考查介词和固定短语。句意:趁着年轻,你应该多关注一下事业。A.in 在内;B.at 处于状态;C.on 在之上;D.with 和。focus on 是固定短语,意为“关注”,因此空格处是介词 on,故选 C。4、At a minimum,the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region,what kinds of lives they lead,and what they lik

4、e and do not like.主句的谓语动词是?AconsumeBgrowCtellDlead 答案:C 考查句子成分。句意:至少,当地人消费的食物种类告诉我们他们在他们的地区种植什么,他们过着什么样的生活,他们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。分析句子可知,主句是 the kinds of food.tell us what.,what.and what.,主语是 the kind of food,谓语动词 tell,“local people consume”是定语从句,修饰 food,consume 是定语从句的谓语动词,三个 what 引导宾语从句,grow,lead 是宾语从句中的谓语,故

5、选 C。5、According to the rules of the company,those who _ the great loss of money will be fired.Aare aware ofBare qualified forCare concerned aboutDare responsible for 答案:D 考查动词短语辨析。句意:根据公司的规定,那些对巨额损失负责的人将被解雇。A.are aware of 知道,了解;B.are qualified for 有资格;C.are concerned about 担心,关心;D.are responsible fo

6、r 对负责。根据下文“will be fired”可知,此处指对巨额损失负责的人将被解雇。be responsible for“对负责”符合题意。故选 D。6、The city plans to make 50,000 bicycles _ for rent to reduce pollution and ease traffic jams.AconvenientBsuitableCavailableDaccurate 答案:C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:该市计划提供 5 万辆自行车供出租,以减少污染和缓解交通堵塞。A.convenient方便的;B.suitable 合适的,适当的;C.av

7、ailable 可获得的,可用的;D.accurate 精确的。根据下文“to reduce pollution and ease traffic jams”可知,该市需要提供 5 万辆自行车进行出租,以此来减少污染和缓解交通堵塞。所以设空处应用 available,短语 available for rent 意为“可供出租的”。故选 C 项。7、He recommended that we_ a record of what we saw.Awould keepBcould keep Cmust keepDshould keep 答案:D 考查宾语从句中的虚拟语气。句意:他建议我们把所看到的

8、记录下来。分析句子可知,recommend(建议)后用 that 引导宾语从句,从句用虚拟语气,构成 should do 结构,should 可以省略。故选 D 项。8、Compared with his brother,Bob is even more_to emotional and relationship problems.AskepticalBaddictedCsensitiveDavailable 答案:C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:与他的哥哥相比,鲍勃对感情和人际关系问题更加敏感。A.skeptical 怀疑的;B.addicted 沉迷的;C.sensitive 敏感的;D.a

9、vailable 可以得到的。根据后文“to emotional and relationship problems”表示对情感和关系的问题更加敏感应用 be sensitive to,故选 C。9、However,at times this balance in nature is _,resulting in a number of possible unforeseen effects.AtroubledBdisturbedCstrickenDconfused 答案:B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,自然界的这种平衡有时会受到干扰,造成一些可能无法预见的影响。A.troubled 陷入

10、困境的;B.disturbed 受干扰的;C.stricken 受灾的;D.confused 困惑的。由“resulting in a number of possible unforeseen effects”可知,句子表示“自然界的这种平衡有时会受到干扰,造成一些可能无法预见的影响”,空格处意为“受干扰的”,故选 B。10、She is _ to live in a country house and paint pictures all day.AcontentBsatisfyingCdevotedDconsiderate 答案:A 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她满足于住在乡间别墅里,整天

11、画画。A.content 满意的;满足的;B.satisfying令人满意的;C.devoted 忠诚的;D.considerate 体贴的。根据句意可知,此处应用 content 表示“满意的”,修饰人,satisfying 修饰物,故选 A。11、Robin,a rocket scientist,agrees and thinks starting with Mars makes the most sense.句子中非谓语动词是:AagreesBthinksCstartingDmakes 答案:C 考查句子结构。句意:火箭科学家罗宾表示同意,他认为从火星开始是最有意义的。分析句子可知,并列

12、谓语动词是 agrees 和 thinks,makes 是省略了 that 的宾语从句的谓语动词,starting 是动名词做主语,故选 C。12、Shenzhen Experimental School,one of the most renowned schools in Shenzhen,lies at the foot of Guanlong Mountain.What sentence element does the underlined part serve as?Aadverbial(状语)Bcomplement(补语)Cattributive(定语)Dappositive(同

13、位语)答案:D 考查句子成分。句意:深圳实验学校位于 Guanlong Mountain 脚下,是深圳最著名的学校之一。分析可知,划线部分是对主语 Shenzhen Experimental School 的解释,所以属于同位语,故选 D。13、Excuse me,would you mind answering a few questions?Well,I dont know.Im in rather a hurry _.AseriouslyBactuallyCimmediatelyDanxiously 答案:B 考查副词。句意:打扰一下,您介意回答几个问题吗?噢,我不知道。事实上,我很赶时

14、间。A.seriously 严肃地;B.actually 事实上;C.immediately 立即;D.anxiously 焦急地。此处为委婉地说明自己的真实情况,故选 B。14、Students should consider which culture appears more attractive to them when feeling _ between learning French and Spanish.AtornBdisgustedCfascinatedDconfused 答案:A 考查形容词。句意:当学生在学习法语和西班牙语之间犹豫不决时,应该考虑哪种文化对他们更有吸引力。

15、A.torn 犹豫的;B.disgusted 厌恶的;厌烦的;C.fascinated 入迷的,极感兴趣的;D.confused 困惑的,糊涂的。根据后句“between learning French and Spanish.(学习法语和西班牙语之间的差距)”可知学生是在学习法语和西班牙语之间犹豫不决。故选 A。15、There is a bus service to the airport from the south of the city.AresponsibleBactualCregularDtypical 答案:C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:从城南有定期的公共汽车开往机场。A.re

16、sponsible 有责任的;B.actual 事实上的;C.regular 定期的;D.typical 典型的。根据本句“to the airport from the south of the city.(从城南到机场)”可知是从城南到机场有定期的公共汽车。故选 C。16、Washing hands _ is one of the best ways to avoid getting disease.AregularlyBactuallyCeventuallyDobviously 答案:A 考查副词词义辨析。句意:勤洗手是避免得病的最好方法之一。A.regularly 定期地,经常;B.a

17、ctually 事实上,实际上;C.eventually 最后;D.obviously 明显地。结合句意可知,此处指“经常洗手”,用副词 frequently。故填A。17、This swimming pool is _ for professionals,which is not open to the public.You can go to the other pool for fun.ApreferredBupdatedCintendedDpostponed 答案:C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个游泳池是供专业人士使用的,不对公众开放。你可以去另一个游泳池玩。A.preferred 更

18、喜欢;B.updated 更新;C.intended 准备,预留(作某种用途或给某人用);D.postponed 推迟。由“which is not open to the public”可知,游泳池是供专业人士使用的,因此空格处是“预留(作某种用途或给某人用)”,be intended for 意为“打算为所用”,故选 C。18、She has already tried her best.Please dont be too _ about her job.AconfusedBnegativeCchallengedDparticular 答案:D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她已经尽力了。请

19、不要对她的工作太挑剔。A.confused 感到困惑的;B.negative消极的;否定的;C.challenged 受到挑战的;D.particular 讲究的;挑剔的。结合句意此处表示不要对她的工作太挑剔,因为她已经尽力了,表示“对挑剔”应用形容词短语 be particular about,固定搭配。故选 D 项。19、Nowadays,we can move around the world and still _ the people that we want to remain friends with _ modern social media tools.Acorrespond

20、 with;regardless ofBstay in touch with;due to Close track of;as well asDlook forward to;based on 答案:B 考查动词短语、介词短语。句意:如今,我们可以在世界各地移动,而且由于现代的社交媒体工具,我们仍然能与我们想要保持朋友关系的人保持联系。A.correspond with 符合,一致,与通信;regardless of 不顾,不管;B.stay in touch with 保持联系;due to 由于,归功于;C.lose track of 不了解的情况;as well as 也;D.look

21、forward to 盼望;based on 基于。第一空处,情态动词 can 后由 and 连接两个并列谓语,根据后半句的“_ modern social media tools”可知,设空处应填动词 stay in touch with,意为“与保持联系”。第二空应填介词短语 due to,表前文“我们能保持联系的”原因,作状语。故选 B 项。20、Several years ago,I had a manager who_ changed his mind about what he wanted.AstrangelyBconstantlyCactuallyDultimately 答案:

22、B 考查副词。句意:几年前,我有一个经理,关于他想要的东西,他总是改变主意。A.strangely 不可思议地;B.constantly 经常地,总是;C.actually 实际上;D.ultimately 最终。根据句意和语境,这位经理不断地改变自己想要的东西,设空处应用 constantly,作状语。故选 B 项。21、The question is so hard,and were getting_.AconfuseBconfusingCconfusedDconfusion 答案:C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个问题太难了,我们都搞糊涂了。A.confuse 使困惑;B.confusi

23、ng 令人困惑的;C.confused 感到困惑的;D.confusion 困惑。空格处用形容词作表语,修饰主语 we,应用-ed 结尾形容词confused,表示人的感觉,意为“感到困惑的”。故选 C。22、With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that environmental pollution has become a problem we have to face.该句中,主句是?Awith the rapid development of science

24、and technology Bmore and more people believe that.Cenvironmental pollution has become a problem Dwe have to face 答案:B 考查宾语从句的判断和句子成分。句意:随着科学技术的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为环境污染已经成为我们必须面对的问题了。分析句子可知,“With the rapid development of science and technology”是 with 的复合结构,在句中作伴随状语;“more and more people”做主句中的主语,“believe”为主句

25、中的谓语,“environmental pollution has become a problem we have to face.”这是 that 之后的宾语从句,宾语从句中包含了一个限制性定语从句,先行词是 problem,关系代词 that/which 做宾语,此处省略了;所以“more and more people believe that”就是主句部分。故选 B 项。23、You should register before Friday.A主语 B状语 C谓语 D宾补 答案:B 考查句子成分。句意:你应该在周五前注册。You 是主语,should register 是谓语动词,

26、before Friday 是时间状语。故选 B。24、Our efforts will _ sooner or later as long as we stick to our plan and never give up.Ashow offBset offCgo offDpay off 答案:D 考查动词短语辨析。句意:只要我们坚持我们的计划,永不放弃,我们的努力迟早会有回报的。A.show off 炫耀,卖弄;B.set off 出发,动身,引起,激起;C.go off 爆炸,(警报器)响;D.pay off 成功,奏效,带来好结果。根据句意,只要我们坚持、不放弃,我们的努力就会得到好的

27、结果。pay off 符合语意,作谓语。故选 D项。25、When reading,you should _ your attention on the main idea and the structure of the passage,not on specific words or sentences.ApayBfocusCputDexpand 答案:B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:阅读时,你应该把注意力集中在文章的大意和结构上,而不是特定的单词或句子。A.pay 支付;B.focus 集中于;C.put 放置;D.expand 扩展。focus ones attention on.“集中注

28、意力于”为固定短语。故选 B 项。26、Even where parents no longer live together,they each continue to be _ for their child.AnegativeBprofessionalCresponsibleDconvenient 答案:C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:即使父母不再生活在一起,他们仍然要对自己的孩子负责。A.negative 消极的,否定的;B.professional 专业的;C.responsible 有责任的;D.convenient 方便的。根据“Even where parents no longe

29、r live together”可知,此处涉及固定短语 be responsible for“对负责”。故选 C。小提示:27、There were not many things we could do when it was raining.主句的谓语动词是?AwereBcouldCdoDwas 答案:A 考查主句的谓语动词。句意:下雨的时候,我们能做的不多。分析句子结构可知,主句是 There be 句型,There were not many things we could do,句中 we could do 作后置定语,修饰 many things。故谓语动词是 were。故选 A

30、项。28、下列句子中有从句的是?AWork hard or you will fall behind.BZhang Lei and Adam are both freshman in this new school.CThere is a chair in this room,isnt there?DWe teenager should focus on how we can make an advance.答案:D 考查宾语从句。A.Work hard or you will fall behind.努力工作,否则你会落后的;B.Zhang Lei and Adam are both fre

31、shman in this new school.张磊和亚当都是这所新学校的大一新生;C.There is a chair in this room,isnt there?这间房间里有一把椅子,不是吗?D.We teenager should focus on how we can make an advance.我们青少年应该关注如何取得进步。A 项为“祈使句+连词 or+简单句”的结构;B 项为主系表结构,也是简单句;C 项为 there be 句型,后面加了反义疑问句;D 项中为 how 引导宾语从句,做介词 on 的宾语。所以句中有从句的为 D 项。故选 D。29、The rise i

32、n consumer spending is an encouraging that the economy may be recovering.AsymptomBsolutionCsignDsubject 答案:C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:消费者支出的增加是一个振奋人心的迹象,表明经济可能正在复苏。A.symptom 症状;B.solution 解决办法;C.sign 迹象;D.subject 学科。结合语意,消费者支出的增加表明经济可能正在复苏,这是振奋人心的迹象,sign 表示“迹象”,符合句意。故选 C 项。30、With a strong _ for English study,we

33、 threw ourselves into reading English novels.AdesireBargumentCreputationDresponsibility 答案:A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:带着对英语学习的强烈愿望,我们全身心投入到阅读英语小说中。A.desire 愿望;B.argument 争论;C.reputation 名声;D.responsibility 责任。结合“we threw ourselves into reading English novels”可知,我们对英语学习有强烈的愿望。故选 A 项。完成句子 31、有那么多人把目光集中在他身上,他感到很紧张。

34、(with 结构)_,he felt very nervous.答案:With so many eyes focused on him,/With so many people focusing their eyes on 考查动词短语和 with 复合结构。表达“许多人的目光”,用名词短语 so many eyes;表达“集中在他身上”,用动词短语 focus on him;根据句意,“有那么多人把目光集中在他身上”在句中做伴随状语,用 with 复合结构表达,so many eyes 做宾语,focus on 做宾补,eyes 与 focus on him 是被动关系,用过去分词做宾补;或

35、者也可以用so many people 做宾语,focus their eyes on him 做宾补,people 与 focus their eyes on him 为主动关系,用现在分词做宾补。故翻译为 With so many eyes focused on him/With so many people focusing their eyes on。小提示:32、我们需要一个能为自己行为负责的员工。We need an employee who _ _ _ his actions.答案:is responsible for 考查固定短语,时态和主谓一致。对比中英文句子可知,空格处意为

36、“为负责”,由空格处是三个可知,是固定短语 be responsible for,由前面的“need”可知,句子时态是一般现在时,who 指代先行词“an employee”,是单数,因此空格处是 is responsible for。故填is;responsible;for。33、奥林匹克运动为和平而生,因和平而兴。The Olympic Movement was born _ peace and has thrived thanks to peace.答案:for the sake of 考查介词短语。表示“为了.,看在.的份上”应用介词短语 for the sake of。故填 for

37、the sake of。34、I know that Chinese is a very difficult language,but I hope to be fluent when I graduate.(when 引导时间状语从句)Ill be in charge of the whole company next week _.下周经理不在时,我将管理整个公司。答案:when the manager is away 考查状语从句。当时,用 when 引起从句,从句中用一般现在时。故填 when the manager is away。35、然而,在回来的路上,他们找时间找石头。他们一路

38、上带着 20 公斤的石头。However,_ _ _ back they found time to look for rocks.They carried twenty kilos of rocks all the way with them.答案:on their way 考查介词短语。根据汉语提示和句意,设空处缺“在回来的路上”,可用介词短语 on ones way(back),作状语,根据逻辑主语 they,设空处应填 on their way。故填:on;their;way。36、如果我们发现那些材料有趣,我们的注意力就会长时间集中在它们身上。If we find those mat

39、erials interesting,well _ for a long time.答案:focus our attention on them 考查固定短语和时态。根据句意可知,空格处涉及固定短语“focus ones attention on”,意为“集中注意力于”,句子主语为“we”,“ones”转换为“our”,“on”为介词,后接代词宾格,“them”表示“它们”,根据句意和句中“well”可知,句子为一般将来时,“will”后接动词原形,故空格处应填“focus our attention on them”。故填focus our attention on them。37、Youd

40、 better _and live in a warmer country.你最好离开英国到一个更温暖的国家去居住。答案:quit England 考查固定搭配。结和句意和给出的英语可知,缺少“离开英国”,quit 是及物动词“离开”,英国用 England 表示,放在 quit 之后做宾语,即 quit England。结合固定搭配 youd better do sth.(最好做某事)可知,应用动词原形即可。故填 quit England。38、在湿滑的地面上踢足球如果你不小心可能会伤到你的脚。_a football on the wet ground can hurt your foot

41、if you are not careful.答案:Kicking 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,空白处需要动词表达“踢”,且作句子的主语,要用动名词形式。故填 Kicking。39、这是当今的一个普遍现象:孩子是家庭的中心,承载着父母的希望。It is a common phenomenon nowadays that children are_ _ _families,shouldering the hope of their parents.答案:the focus of 考查短语。the focus of的中心。根据句意,故填 the focus of。40、事实上,她只见过那个冠军一

42、次,但他给她留下了很深的印象。_,she only met the champion once,but he made a deep _ _ her.答案:Actually impression on 考查副词和固定短语。“事实上”使用副词 actually,作状语修饰整个句子,“给某人留下很深的印象”使用动词短语 make a deep impression on sb,句首单词的首字母应大写。故填Actuallyimpressionon。语法填空 41、This diet is_(suit)for anyone who wants to lose weight fast.(所给词的适当形式

43、填空)答案:suitable 考查形容词。句意:这种饮食法适合任何想要快速减肥的人。此处作表语,应用形容词 suitable“适宜的,合适的”。故填 suitable。42、As a child,he never left his parents,so he didnt get used to_(deal)with everything in school independently.答案:dealing 考查固定搭配。句意:作为一个小孩,他从没有离开过父母,所以他还不习惯独自处理学校里的事情。get used to doing sth 意为“习惯做某事”。故填 dealing。43、Spor

44、ts team owners spend millions of dollars _(attract)top talent.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:attracting 考查非谓语动词。句意:球队老板花费数百万美元吸引顶尖人才。spend some+金钱+(in)doing sth.意为“花钱做某事”。动名词充当介词 in 的宾语。attract 的动名词形式为 attracting。故填 attracting。44、Childhood activities help a child develop _(responsible),independence,confidence,and a

45、bility.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:responsibility 考查名词。句意:儿童活动有助于孩子培养责任感、独立性、自信心和能力。空处和 independence 和confidence 以及 ability 并列,应用名词形式作动词 develop 的宾语,responsibility 责任感,不可数名词。故填responsibility。45、All students got their_(suit)desks.(用单词的适当形式完成句子)答案:suitable 考查形容词。句意:所有的学生都得到了合适的桌子。修饰后文名词 desks,应用形容词 suitable,作定语,表示

46、“合适的”。故填 suitable。46、Im a _(science)who studies animals such as apes and monkeys.(用单词适当形式填空)答案:scientist 考查名词。句意:我是一名研究动物如猿和猴子的科学家。在不定冠词 a 后面应该是可数名词的单数形式;根据句意,应是名词 scientist,意思为“科学家”。故填 scientist。47、Every athlete is _(compete)for his/her country.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:competing 考查动词。句意:每个运动员都在为自己的国家比赛。compe

47、te“比赛”为动词,根据空格前的助动词 is 可知,此处需要用现在分词 competing 与之一起构成现在进行时。故填 competing。48、Susan made_ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.(用适当的词填空)答案:it 考查 it 作形式宾语。句意:苏珊清楚地向我表明她希望为自己过一种新的生活。分析可知,that she wished to make a new life for herself.是真正的宾语,因此要用 it 作形式宾语。故填 it。49、How did Jack_(response)to your suggestion?(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:respond 考查动词。句意:对于你的建议,杰克作何反应?分析句子可知,空处应填动词构成谓语,由空处前有助动词did,故空处应用动词原形,结合语意可知,此处考查固定短语 respond to,意为“对作出反应”。故填respond。50、He has a strong _(prefer)for classical music.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:preference 考查名词。句意:他对古典音乐有强烈的偏爱。根据前文的冠词 a,和形容词 strong 可知,空格处应该用单数名词。故填 preference。

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