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1、倒置法倒置法inversion翻译技巧翻译技巧2013-5-7第九讲inversionn英语受亚里士多德的演绎法逻辑思维模式的影响,英语常突出主语或主题句突出主语或主题句,注重分析推理,直线性、有秩序、有层次地围绕主题展开,信息安排往往采用“突显突显”语语序序:由近及远、开门见山、一语破的、头短尾长,先点出主要的或重要的判断、结论、观点、态度、要旨、结果、行为等,再追叙一些与此相关的背景、历史、条件、环境、事实、情况、情节、理由、原因、分析、例证等(general-to-specific sequence),句子或语篇开头注重的是“where the argument/talk is goin

2、g”;也有受培根的归纳法逻辑思维模式的影响,采用相反的语序,或按照时间先后的自然语序。2024/4/10 周三2inversionn汉语受儒、道、佛的悟性思维模式的影响,汉语多注重话注重话题题,注重注重“意识流意识流”,注重事理和先后顺序注重事理和先后顺序,常常采用非演绎式的、往往是领悟式的归纳型、经验式的临摹型或螺旋式、漫天谈式的思维模式,喜欢“摆事实,讲道理”,信息安排常常按照“自然”语序:由远及近、层层剥笋、逐步深入、头长尾短,先叙述一些背景、历史、条件、环境、事实、情况、情节、理由、原因、分析、例证等,再点出主要的或重要的判断、结论、观点、态度、要旨、结果、行为等(specific-t

3、o-general sequence),句子或语篇开头注重的是“where the argument/talk is coming from”,通常反映了现实的时间和事理顺序,犹如对现实生活经历的临摹;也有类似英语的逻辑顺序。2024/4/10 周三3比较要点比较要点英英 语语汉汉 语语叙事部分与表态部分的顺序先总提后分述表态部分(判断、结论等)在前叙事部分(事实、分析等)在后先分述后总提顺序往往相反意思强弱、轻重部分的顺序先弱后强先轻后重先小后大顺序往往相反长短部分的顺序先短后长常用时态、连接词语等表示时间和逻辑顺序先长后短常用分句、短句、断句、流水句按时间和事理顺序排列描写性、限制性部分的

4、位置多作定语,少作谓语多作谓语,少做定语连用数个形容词的顺序越能说明人和事物本质的越靠近名词顺序往往相反2024/4/10 周三4比较要点比较要点英英 语语汉汉 语语定语的位置单词在名词之前短语、从句在名词之后修饰词语较分散单词、词组和小句在名词之前没有定语从句较短的修饰词语较集中较长的修饰词语较分散状语的位置比较灵活较长的常在句末常在动词之前状语分句常在主句之前同位语的位置较长的在名词之后较短的在名词之前位置往往相反主、谓、宾(表)的位置有时不靠拢可被其他较长成分隔开靠拢,不宜相隔太远2024/4/10 周三5ninversion of word order in translating w

5、ord-groups or phrasesninversion of word order in translating attributesnposition of adjective clausesninversion of adverbialsnposition of adverbial clausesninversion of sentence structure2024/4/10 周三6inversionn ninversion of word order in translating word-groups or phrasesninversion of word order in

6、 translating attributesnposition of adjective clausesninversion of adverbialsnposition of adverbial clausesninversion of sentence structure2024/4/10 周三7inversionn词组或短语的词序倒置2024/4/10 周三8inversion of word order in translating word-groups or phrasesnorth,south,east,and westnortheast,northwest,southeast

7、,southwestmen and women,young and old,sisters and brotherssooner or lateryou,he and Irich and poorfood,clothing and housing东西南北东北、西北、东南、西南男女老少、兄弟姐妹迟早你我他贫富衣食住small and medium-sized countries中小国家peasants who had little or no land无地和少地的农民be slighted,pushed aside or attacked受打击、排斥或轻视2024/4/10 周三9inversi

8、on of word order in translating word-groups or phrasesEnglishChinesenarrower range wider rangewider range narrower rangeless important more importantmore important less importantweaker strongerstronger weakerninversion of word order in translating word-groups or phrasesn ninversion of word order in

9、translating attributesnposition of adjective clausesninversion of adverbialsnposition of adverbial clausesninversion of sentence structure2024/4/10 周三10inversionn定语的词序倒置2024/4/10 周三11inversion of word order in translating attributesGod Almightyprofessor emeritusthe body politicproof positivethe rent

10、 duethird person singular万能的神/上帝荣誉退休教授政治团体确凿的证据该付的/到期的房租单数第三人称限定词限定词描述性描述性分类性分类性中心词中心词冠词、指示代词、不定代词、所有格、数量词主观判断客观描述来源物质(动)名词性质 特征大小形状新旧颜色2024/4/10 周三12watchwallapplesfacecarpetsaveryvaluableoldgoldaredbrickhighsomeeatinggreensoursmallpinkherroundChinesegreenthreelarge一个很贵重的旧金表一堵高的红砖墙一些适宜生吃的绿色酸苹果她那张粉红

11、色的小圆脸三条绿色的中国大地毯限制性限制性判断性判断性描述性描述性本质性本质性中心词中心词物主、国别时间、地点数量、指代名词、单音节词2024/4/10 周三13中国的中国的一位一位优秀优秀青年青年作家作家他他这几篇这几篇专为大学专为大学生编写的生编写的最新实用最新实用语法语法教材教材去年皖北去年皖北小麦的小麦的平均平均产量产量我们我们在其他地区的在其他地区的许多许多重要的重要的新新水利水利工程工程an outstanding contemporary young Chinese writerhis practical and latest textbook on grammar for co

12、llege studentsthe average output of wheat in North Anhui last yearmany of our important new water conservancy projects in other areasConcise Oxford Dictionary of English Literature牛津简明英国文学词典The Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English高级现代英语学习词典Nineteen-century American history十九世纪的美国历史/美国十九世纪

13、的历史remarkable political stability政局非常稳定the first African to be awarded the Nobel Prize in recognition of his long non-violent struggle against racial discrimination因长期同种族歧视作非暴力斗争而被授予诺贝尔奖的第一位非洲人2024/4/10 周三14inversion of word order in translating attributesShe had such a kindly,smiling,tender,gentle,

14、generous kindly,smiling,tender,gentle,generous heart of her own.她心地厚道,为人乐观,性情温柔,待人和蔼,气量又大。She was an intelligent,attractive and somewhat intelligent,attractive and somewhat temperamental temperamental daughter of a well-to-do doctor in Haddington.她是哈丁顿一位富裕医生的女儿,有才华,又迷人,但有点脾气。Then one can see the ova

15、loval face of a handsome young handsome young woman with deep dark deep dark eyes and long heavy clinging long heavy clinging tresses.那时可以看出,她是一个眉清目秀的少女,鹅蛋形脸,两眼又深又黑,披着又长又密的头发。2024/4/10 周三15inversion of word order in translating attributesninversion of word order in translating word-groups or phrases

16、ninversion of word order in translating attributesn nposition of adjective clausesninversion of adverbialsnposition of adverbial clausesninversion of sentence structure2024/4/10 周三16inversionposition of adjective clausesn定语从句的位置英语的定语从句主要分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句两类。限制性定语从句通常与被修饰的名词关系比较紧密,如果不是很长,翻译时宜将其置于名词之前

17、;非限制性定语从句一般只对被修饰的名词做描述和补充说明,通常较长,翻译时宜将其与主句拆开译为两个分句。2024/4/10 周三17Objects that do not transfer light that do not transfer light cause shadows.不透光的不透光的不透光的不透光的物体会造成阴影。Atoms are the units out of which molecules are builtout of which molecules are built.原子是构成分子的构成分子的构成分子的构成分子的基本单位。Here we shall discuss

18、only such factors as may cause as may cause distortions of the signaldistortions of the signal.这里我们将只讨论那些可能引起信号失真的可能引起信号失真的可能引起信号失真的可能引起信号失真的因素。We could not really feel satisfied,calm or in agreement with the situation with which we are faced at the with which we are faced at the beginning of this s

19、ession of the General Assemblybeginning of this session of the General Assembly.我们对本届联合国大会开始时所面临的本届联合国大会开始时所面临的本届联合国大会开始时所面临的本届联合国大会开始时所面临的局势难以感到满意,也难以感到心安理得。2024/4/10 周三18position of adjective clausesBernard Shaw was a well-known English playwright,who who wrote many playswrote many plays.萧伯纳写过许多剧本

20、萧伯纳写过许多剧本萧伯纳写过许多剧本萧伯纳写过许多剧本,是英国一位著名剧作家。You,whose ancestors pioneered the paths of modern whose ancestors pioneered the paths of modern civilizationcivilization,have taken the road to higher forms of social organization and culture.你们的祖先开辟了走向现代文明的道路你们的祖先开辟了走向现代文明的道路你们的祖先开辟了走向现代文明的道路你们的祖先开辟了走向现代文明的道路,

21、而你们现在又已踏上了走向更高级的社会组织和文化形式的道路。Air is a mixture of gases,of which oxygen forms 21 percent,of which oxygen forms 21 percent by volumeby volume.空气是多种气体的混合物,其中氧气占其体积的其中氧气占其体积的其中氧气占其体积的其中氧气占其体积的21%21%21%21%。The time has long passed when they sought comfort in the when they sought comfort in the thought th

22、at our economic plans were unrealistic and thought that our economic plans were unrealistic and unworkableunworkable.以前他们认为我们的经济计划是不现实的、行不通的,以前他们认为我们的经济计划是不现实的、行不通的,以前他们认为我们的经济计划是不现实的、行不通的,以前他们认为我们的经济计划是不现实的、行不通的,并以此聊以自慰。并以此聊以自慰。并以此聊以自慰。并以此聊以自慰。这样的岁月早已一去不复返了。2024/4/10 周三19position of adjective claus

23、es定语从句有时可以表达目的、结果、原因、条件、转折、让步等意义,翻译时可以将表达该意义的连接词译出。2024/4/10 周三20position of adjective clausesJohn,who was sick yesterdaywho was sick yesterday,did not come to class.约翰昨天病了,所以所以所以所以没来上课。Peter,who had carefully read through the instructions before doing his,who had carefully read through the instruct

24、ions before doing his experimentsexperiments,could not obtain satisfactory results,because he followed them mechanically.虽然虽然虽然虽然彼得在做实验之前从头到尾仔细阅读过操作指南,但是由于他生搬硬套,所以得不到满意的结果。We maintain that no peace situation is permanent which does not take which does not take into account the legitimate wishes of t

25、he majority of the people of any into account the legitimate wishes of the majority of the people of any countrycountry.我们认为,如果如果如果如果不体谅一个国家大多数人民的正当愿望,任何和平局面都是不会持久的。So my chances of getting to revolutionary China are pretty slim although I have not given up my efforts to get a passport,which will wh

26、ich will enable me to visit the countries of Socialismenable me to visit the countries of Socialism.因此,我到革命的中国来的希望相当小了,虽然我并没有放弃努力,争取获得护照,以便以便以便以便访问社会主义国家。2024/4/10 周三21position of adjective clausesninversion of word order in translating word-groups or phrasesninversion of word order in translating a

27、ttributesnposition of adjective clausesn ninversion of adverbialsnposition of adverbial clausesninversion of sentence structure2024/4/10 周三22inversioninversion of adverbialsn状语的词序倒置英语的副词经常位于动词后或整个句子的最后。而汉语的副词则经常位于它们所修饰的动词前,表达目的地、程度、目的和结果等的副词除外。2024/4/10 周三23S+V(+O)MannerPlace of DirectionFrequencyTi

28、meWe studyhardin the classroomeveryday.He has beento Londonseveral timesthis years.He walkedround the parkbefore supper.I saw that filmat the Regal Cinematwicelast week.2024/4/10 周三24inversion of adverbialsSTimePlace of DirectionMannerV(+O)Frequency我去年在北京愉快地遇见他两次。她每天早晨在室外大声朗读。我们每周在学校里看电影一次。他每天清早环校慢跑

29、两周。2024/4/10 周三25inversion of adverbialsninversion of word order in translating word-groups or phrasesninversion of word order in translating attributesnposition of adjective clausesninversion of adverbialsn nposition of adverbial clausesninversion of sentence structure2024/4/10 周三26inversionpositio

30、n of adverbial clausesn状语从句的位置English adverbial clauses denoting result,manner or comparison usually follow the main clause;other adverbial clauses denoting time,place,cause,condition,concession or purpose may precede or follow the main clause.2024/4/10 周三27position of adverbial clausesChinese subor

31、dinate clauses(从属分句)denoting result or comparison follow the main clause;other subordinate clauses denoting time,place,cause,condition,concession or purpose generally precede the main clauses.2024/4/10 周三28Stormy applause broke forth the moment she appeared on the moment she appeared on the stagethe

32、 stage.她一出现在台上,就爆发出暴雨般的掌声。The machine will start as soon as you press the buttonas soon as you press the button.你一按电钮,机器就会开动。Im proud that our country is forging ahead at such a speedthat our country is forging ahead at such a speed.我国如此突飞猛进,我感到很骄傲。She was so so worried that she could hardly eat her

33、 supperthat she could hardly eat her supper.她担心得简直吃不下晚饭。She would have fallen but that I caught herbut that I caught her.要不是我抓住她,她早就摔倒了。2024/4/10 周三29position of adverbial clausesMany centuries had passed beforebefore man learned to make fire.Ill do it now beforebefore I forget it.We had scarcely le

34、ft our school beforebefore it began to rain.It was not long beforebefore he knew it.BeforeBefore I enter on the main subject I have something to say.BeforeBefore I could say a single word,he ran away.Look beforebefore you leap.He will die beforebefore he lies.Exercise:BEFORE2024/4/10 周三30(在在)(之、以之、以

35、)前前/(后后)才才/一一(刚刚)就就/就、便、就、便、快快/未未就,还没有就,还没有(来得及来得及)就就/趁趁(着着),不然会、,不然会、要不就、以免要不就、以免/先先(然然)后,先后,先再,而后,未再,而后,未先先/宁宁(可可)(也也)不不(肯肯),宁愿,宁愿绝不绝不before1.(在在)(之、以之、以)前前2.(后后)才才3.一一就就4.就、便、快就、便、快5.未未就,还没有就,还没有(来得及来得及)就就6.趁趁(着着),不然会、要不就、以免,不然会、要不就、以免7.先先(然然)后,先后,先再,而后,未再,而后,未先先8.宁宁(可可)(也也)不不(肯肯),宁愿,宁愿绝不绝不Many c

36、enturies had passed beforebefore man learned to make fire.过了过了过了过了好几个世纪,人类才才才才学会取火。Ill do it now beforebefore I forget it.我现在就就就就做,以免以免以免以免忘了。We had scarcely left our school beforebefore it began to rain.我们刚刚刚刚离开学校就就就就下起雨来。It was not long beforebefore he knew it.他不久就就就就知道这件事了。Answer:2024/4/10 周三31(在

37、在)(之、以之、以)前前/(后后)才才/一一(刚刚)就就/就、便、就、便、快快/未未就,还没有就,还没有(来得及来得及)就就/趁趁(着着),不然会、,不然会、要不就、以免要不就、以免/先先(然然)后,先后,先再,而后,未再,而后,未先先/宁宁(可可)(也也)不不(肯肯),宁愿,宁愿绝不绝不BeforeBefore I enter on the main subject I have something to say.在讨论这一主题之前之前之前之前,我有些话要说。BeforeBefore I could say a single word,he ran away.我还没还没还没还没说一句话,我就

38、就就就跑了。Look beforebefore you leap.三思而而而而后行。He will die beforebefore he lies.他宁宁宁宁死也不也不也不也不撒谎。Answer:2024/4/10 周三32(在在)(之、以之、以)前前/(后后)才才/一一(刚刚)就就/就、便、就、便、快快/未未就,还没有就,还没有(来得及来得及)就就/趁趁(着着),不然会、,不然会、要不就、以免要不就、以免/先先(然然)后,先后,先再,而后,未再,而后,未先先/宁宁(可可)(也也)不不(肯肯),宁愿,宁愿绝不绝不Dont wait untiluntil problems pile up an

39、d cause a lot of trouble beforebefore trying to solve them.Dont open the door untiluntil the train stops.We cannot really learn anything untiluntil we rid ourselves of complacency.Never reach for the next step untiluntil you feel sure of the preceding one.Exercise:UNTIL2024/4/10 周三33until1.在在之前之前2.(

40、等等)再,等再,等才才3.译为汉语的紧缩句译为汉语的紧缩句Dont wait untiluntil problems pile up and cause a lot of trouble beforebefore trying to solve them.不要等到等到等到等到问题成了堆,闹出了许多乱子,然后才才才才去解决。Dont open the door untiluntil the train stops.火车未停,不要开门。We cannot really learn anything untiluntil we rid ourselves of complacency.不克服自满情绪

41、,就无法真正学到任何东西。要认真学习一点东西,必须从不自满开始。Never reach for the next step untiluntil you feel sure of the preceding one.第一步若无把握,绝不要走第二步。事无把握,绝不先行。Answer:2024/4/10 周三34until1.在在之前之前2.(等等)再,等再,等才才3.译为汉语的紧缩句译为汉语的紧缩句ninversion of word order in translating word-groups or phrasesninversion of word order in translatin

42、g attributesnposition of adjective clausesninversion of adverbialsnposition of adverbial clausesn ninversion of sentence structure2024/4/10 周三35inversionn句子结构的倒置2024/4/10 周三36inversion of sentence structureinterrogative inversionimperative inversionexclamatory inversionhypothetical inversionbalance

43、inversionlink inversionsignpost inversionnegative inversionmetrical inversion疑问倒装命令倒装惊叹倒装假设倒装平衡倒装衔接倒装点题倒装否定倒装韵律倒装语法倒装&修辞倒装It is a feature of English to put lighter parts before more weighty ones,the narrativenarrative or the descriptivedescriptive after the assertiveassertive or the conclusiveconclu

44、sive.That is to say,the predicate is often longer or heavier than the subject,which is called“end-end-weightweight”by grammarians.Such arrangement,however,is often contrary to that in Chinese.2024/4/10 周三37inversion of sentence structureEnglishChineseeffect causecause effectconclusion analysisanalys

45、is conclusionhypothesis premisepremise hypothesis2024/4/10 周三38inversion of sentence structureWe are delighted with the two superpowers treaty limiting the number of anti-ballistic missile systems that they may retain and their agreement on limitations on strategic offensive weapons.【原译】我们感到高兴的是,两个超

46、级大国签订了限制它们可保留的反导弹系统的数目的条约并达成了限制进攻性战略武器的协议。【改译】两个超级大国签订了限制它们可保留的反导弹系统的数目的条约并达成了限制进攻性战略武器的协议,对此我们感到高兴。2024/4/10 周三39neffect&cause(原因与结果原因与结果)inversion of sentence structureThe solution to the problem of Southern Africa cannot remain forever hostage to the political maneuvers and tactical delays by Sou

47、th Africa,nor to its transparent proposals aimed at procrastination and the postponement of the solution.【原译】南部非洲问题的解决不能永远成为南非耍政治花招和策略上的拖延手段的抵押品,也不能永远成为提出显然旨在拖延问题解决的抵押品。【改译】不管是南非耍政治花招还是策略上的拖延手段,抑或是提出显然旨在拖延问题解决的建议,都不能永远阻挡南部非洲问题的解决。2024/4/10 周三40nconclusion&analysis(结论与分析结论与分析)inversion of sentence st

48、ructureOur country could be effective in both the tasks outlined by the President that is,of ending hostilities as well as of making a contribution to a permanent peace in the Middle East if we conducted ourselves so that we could remain in permanent contact with all of these elements in the equatio

49、n.如果我们采取行动,以便能够继续与中东问题各方保持接触,那么我国就能有效地担当起总统所提出的两项任务,那就是在中东结束敌对行动以及对该地区的永久和平做出贡献。2024/4/10 周三41nhypothesis&premise(假设与原因假设与原因)inversion of sentence structureI was,and remain,grateful for the part he played in the recovery of my lost document.我丢失的文件得以找回,他出了不少力。对此我过去感激,现在仍然很感激。He flew back just yesterd

50、ay from Georgia where he had spent his vacation after the completion of the construction job he had been engaged in the south.他本来在南方从事一项建筑工作,任务完成后,他就去佐治亚度假,昨天才坐飞机回来。2024/4/10 周三42nthe latest&the earliest(时间的先后时间的先后)inversion of sentence structureThe tragedies of the Aswan High Dam are but one exampl

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